American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Essays

  • The American Foundation Of Suicide Prevention

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    The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a non-profit organization that acknowledges suicide and mental health problems that are part of our society. By understanding this support can go to those in need of education and those who are at risk. Suicide affects a tremendous amount of people those who suffer from depression and their love ones, but with proper education and treatment it can prevent many from committing suicide. In fact according to Mental Health Business Week “Each year

  • Examples Of Nursing Intervention On Suicide Prevention

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    Intervention on Suicide Prevention 2 The base of this assignment is to explore nursing interventions that will improve the care of clinical practice regarding the prevention of patient suicide. Suicide is one of the top leading causes of deaths among the young adult according to the CDC. (Taylor 2008) Statistics show that there is a gap in gender difference, where men make up almost eighty percent of total suicides in 2010. In which there was 38,364 lost lives do to suicides that year. (cdc

  • Impact of the Economy on Suicide

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    Do economic classes affect the percentage of suicide rates? All types of people, rich and poor commit suicide, but suicide and suicide prevention are growing. The lives of about 4600 young people are lost because of suicide every year (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2014). So what is the country offering to help? There are many programs and treatments to help those who have resorted to or contemplated suicide. Specialized programs have been created, but not all are accessible. Money

  • Surviving Suicide: Isolated by Social Stigmas

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    Surviving Suicide: Isolated by Social Stigmas Suicide is the eleventh most common cause of death in the United States. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, a person takes their own life once every fourteen minutes in the United States (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention [AFSP], 2011). Still, with suicide rates so high, suicide is a taboo topic in our society. Though suicide is intended to end one person’s pain, it causes an immeasurable amount of pain and suffering

  • Exploring the Life and Struggles of Robin Williams

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    taking improvisation courses. When he discovered his love of comedy and improvisation, he switched colleges to attend the College of Marin to study acting. It was there that he also received a Scholarship to Juilliard in New York City (Robin Williams American Actor and Comedian). Using the knowledge he gained at college, he left to pursue a career in acting.     Robin Williams started his soon-to-be successful career as an improvisational comedian in comedy clubs. After achieving major success as a comedian

  • The Epidemic of Male Suicide

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    “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” - Phil Donahue. As a complex, tragic public health issue, suicide occurs in men significantly more often than in women. Suicide is simply defined as the act of intentionally ending one’s own life, but the factors that play into a person making that decision are anything but simple. The most obvious and severe effect of suicide is the loss of a valuable, meaningful human life. According to Harvard School of Public Health (n.d.), suicide affects

  • Literature Review On Teen Suicide

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    surviving victims, and families of victims of suicide attempt or completion. According to the Center for Disease Control, “in 2011, suicide was the second leading cause of death among persons aged 15-24 years [old]” (Understanding Suicide, 2014). The issue of teen suicide has negative impacts for the entire community, but it impacts the school community a significant amount more. Schools are in a good position to address the

  • Prevention of Suicide in Adolescents

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    crucial for suicide prevention in adolescents. By having the community involved, it allows a more effective prevention plan, along with measures on how to properly handle the situation more efficiently. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Surgeon General and National Action Alliance for Suicide, revised the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (NSSP) in 2012. In which, they classified suicide prevention interventions into two categories: prevention targeted at

  • Teen Depression And Suicide Essay

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    that young person from turning to suicide. To effectively prevent teen depression and suicide is to build multiple protective factors in our homes, to remain aware of such warning signs and risk factors and to appropriately intervene when necessary, and to have effective depression and suicide prevention programs to teach students safe and positive ways to cope with everyday stressors in our school. Despite numerous prevention and interventions programs teen suicide and depression are still a major

  • Risk Factors of Teenage Suicide

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    Teenage suicide is a major national public health concern facing America today. Thousands of teenagers commit suicide each year. Many experts believe that teenage suicide is often due to unpredictable circumstances and can be contributed to hormonal impulses. However, recent case findings and statistics prove that this is not necessarily true. Although some teenage suicides may be the result of youthful and impulsive actions, certain risk factors, signs, and symptoms can contribute to self-inflicted

  • Adolescent Suicide in Suburbia

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    Suicides are a grave display of human discontent with life that is especially disheartening when enacted by youths. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) measures the occurrence of suicides in the country using a ratio that expresses the number of suicides per every 100,000 people in the population for which the rate is being reported. According to the CDC, death by suicide amongst younger groups is significantly lower than those of older groups, yet it is the third leading cause

  • Essay On Teen Suicide

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    Suicide is the act of killing yourself because you do not want to continue living. It is done voluntarily and intentionally. It’s becoming a major global public health issue with almost 1 million people committing suicide each year (Suicide Data, 2010a). Suicide is a serious mental health problem affecting the lives of young adults. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the second leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 24. During the past few decades

  • Gangs Around the World

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    other methods.They turn violence into fun, profit, and control.Creating a situation that affects youth in today’s society. After the American Revolution in 1783, gangs began to emerged. In 1826, the northeast region was the first ever to have a well organized gang formed in Rosana Peer’s green grocery in New York City. Soon after the migrants of the African Americans and Latinos, black gangs began to appeared in 1950s, as well as the emerging of non-Puerto Rican, Asian gangs in 1980s. The midwest

  • The Importance Of Suicide And Mental Health

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    Recently, a popular TV series “13 Reasons Why,” raised the awareness of suicide and mental health. Suicide and mental health are big deals, since suicide is the “second leading cause of death for ages 12-24,” according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (“Suicide Statistics”). People attempt suicide for various reasons, and mental illness is a significant factor. Consequently, risk factors such as chemical imbalance in the brain, genetic vulnerability, environmental factors, and family

  • Antidepressants During Pregnancy

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    Antidepressants safe during pregnancy? Consuming antidepressants during pregnancy can be dangerous for the health of the baby, but not taking any medication might put in risk the life of the mother. Antidepressants are the primary option to treat depression. A decision to use antidepressants while pregnant is based on the balance among the risks and benefits of taking the medication. The safety of taking this pills during pregnancy appears to be reassuring but there are remain two important areas

  • Handguns in America: To Ban or Not to Ban

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    Handguns in America: To ban or not to ban. Americans should be able to have, own and carry handguns if they feel the need to protect them. It’s a statement that is a topic of major debate and has been for years. There are proponents and oppositionists with regards to handgun laws and rights. Both sides have strong, seemingly valid arguments. In the end, we should have that choice. One of the strongest arguments for banning handguns: An increase in the availability of handguns equals an increase

  • The Pros And Cons Of Right To Die

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    who used physician-assisted suicide to help dozens of people, said, “Dying is not a crime.”(ABC News, 2015). There are not very many options for people with severe or terminal illnesses. A terminal illness is a disease that cannot be cured or adequately treated, generally resulting in death over a short period of time. Right-to-die laws give people the choice to stop fighting, and get away from the pain or suffering of their disease.The right-to-die

  • Suicide Support Groups

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    Suicide has increased as a leading cause of death in the United States and continues to effect over 30,000 Americans each year. For every 100,000 person nationwide, 12.6 deaths have occurred by suicide. The American Association of Suicidology has listed 41,149 deaths by suicide in the nation as of 2013. Because suicide can be relevant to both genders of all ages and ethnicity's, it should be addressed with the proper awareness and education. Support groups were created and has provided information

  • Research Paper On Perks Of Being A Wallflower

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    Suicide is the third leading cause of death for ages 10 to 24 (“About Suicide-ASFP”). Why are schools better prepared to deal with a natural disaster than they are for suicides? The book Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky follows the growth and development of the main character Charlie, a “wallflower;” as he experiences his first year of high school he is introduced into a strange world in between adolescence and adulthood. According to the American Library Association (ALA), Perks of

  • Man's Inhumanity to Man

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    support justice either aren't powerful enough to get past the stubbornness of prejudice, aren't brave enough to take a stand, or are too young. The comparison between humans and animals is made between the two characters Tom Robinson, an African American, and Tim Johnson, the town dog. When Tim Johnson became ill with rabies, there was no hesitation in the people to stay imprisoned in their homes, locked up tight, until the dog was shot dead. When Tom Robinson was accused of rape no one rested