Allah Essays

  • Comparing Allah and God

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    Pakistan, 1986. Zahid was a Muslim priest who had been brought up to hate and kill those with conflicting beliefs, especially Christians. He often persecuted Christians in town, feeling that by doing so, he would please Allah (the Muslim god). One day when Zahid was persecuting Christians, someone dropped a Bible. Rather than disposing of it, as he normally would have, Zahid hung onto it because he felt compelled to read it and expose its errors. In short, Zahid converted to Christianity and shared

  • Islamic Rhetoric: The Transcendence of Allah

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    Islamic rhetoric, there is only one god who is Allah, and he is the only one who is transcend and absolute. Therefore, it is hard to say that apostles such as Muhammad, Abraham, Moses and Jesus are admired by people because they are one of gods. Abraham, Moses and Jesus are admired by Islamic people because they received a revelation from God and truly obeyed it. To sum up in a word, Islam is a religion that allowed to obey only one god which is Allah, and revealed to people by a prophet named Muhammad

  • The Fundamentals Of Tawheed

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    to worship and maintain oneness of Allah in everything we do in our daily lives as a muslim. Tawhid is of three categories, which are Tawhid ar-Rububiyah, Tawhid al-Asma was-Sifat and Tawhid al- Ibadah. Tawhid ar-Rububiyah means maintaining the unity of Lordship. It is based on the belief that Allah alone has created the universe and all things from nothing; He alone is the maintainer and sustainer; and He has complete power and ownership over His creation. Allah is unique in regard

  • Importance Of The Quran Essay

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    of Islam which truly defines what the jest and central idea of the Islam what Islam offers and what it requires from its worshippers and what Allah offers in this and the hereafter. The greatest qualities which helps to gain Allah’s mercy and those which annoys him are mentioned in the Quran in detail. A lot of miracles bestowed upon the prophets of Allah have been mentioned in the Quran which only highlights the importance of the Quran. Our Holy Prophet S.A.W.W has been bestowed the miracle of the

  • The Five Pillars

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    or breastfeeding women. other believers who are acceptable for not fasting are ill people and travelers but they have to perform the missing fast once they come back to the normal state. Main purpose of fasting is to make ourselves close to Allah and ask Allah Almighty for forgiveness of our sins. Fasting is the best way a believer can purify his soul. Fasting in Ramadan is compulsory but fasting is other months is also accepted and is called as nafli fasting. For which the individual gets extra reward

  • The Concept of Peace

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    firstly be at peace with Allah and secondly, be at peace with themselves and the rest of the world. In Islam the concept of peace is closely connected to the idea of submission. Islam has particularly effective methods for guiding the individual towards attaining inner peace. The aim of Muslim adherents is to submit to Allah and in this submission peace is found. Muslims recognize that peace is not possible outside of a relationship with Allah. Submitting to the will of Allah is the only way of achieving

  • The Importance Of The Circle Of Knowledge In The Islamic World

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    that’s is compulsory for every Muslim to know about Allah. The concept of divine eternity and divine permanence clarify the knowledge of circle as the term use qidam means Allah is eternal, and has no beginning and no end, another the word use baqa means everything in the universe eventually will vanish except Allah (Leaman 38) thus, consistently circle of knowledge rise the level for searching the mysteries point as all the Muslim have faith in Allah, have infinite knowledge of all things and nothing

  • Similarities Between Christianity And Islam

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    Unlike Christians, Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad spread their religion throughout the world. Islam began in the year 610, when the prophet Muhammad started receiving messages from Allah, through the Angel Gabriel. He started spreading the word to others and that is how the Islamic faith began. The Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 AD in Saudi Arabia, Mecca. Both of his parents passed away by the time he was 6 years old and he was raised

  • The Relationship Of Sufism: What Is Sufism?

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    this state they limit themselves to monasteries or any isolated places far from the people, as their ultimate goal is union with god. The followers of Sufism are called ‘sufis’ and they compose as well as sing musically in order to show their love to Allah(swt). The name ‘sufi’ is derived from their followers usually wearing woolen garments and discarding all worldly materials and desires. What are their ideals or the tariqa ? In most cases, their sheikhs nominate their khalīfa or "successor" during

  • Islamic Beliefs on the Soul

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    Islamic Beliefs on the Soul According to few verses from the Qur'an, the creation of humans involves Allah "breathing" souls into them. This intangible part of an individual's existence is "pure" at birth. It has the potential of growing and achieving nearness to God if the person leads a righteous life. At death, the person's soul transitions to an eternal afterlife of bliss, peace and unending spiritual growth until the day of judgement where both the body and soul are reunited for judgement at

  • Islam In Islam And The Five Pillars Of Islam

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    and sexual relations. It is the month that Allah first revealed the Qur 'an to our beloved Prophet Muhammad. In this month, the whole Qur 'an was sent down to the first sky from Lauhi Mahfouz. During the month of Ramadan, the gates of Jannah (Paradise) are opened and the gates of Jahannum Hell-fire are shut (FAQ - For Muslims, 2010). By doing this, the Muslim is partaking in an act of worship where the faithful follower denies his own needs and seeks Allah (What are the Five Pillars of Islam?, n.d

  • The Pilgrimage To Mecca

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    called Hajj. The Quran mandates: “‘And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass - That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. So eat of them and feed the miserable and poor. Then let them end their untidiness and fulfill their vows and perform Tawaf around the ancient House.’” (Quran 22:27-29) Hajj

  • Compare Muhammad And Jesus

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    The role of the prophets Muhammad and Jesus was to be messengers of God. They both had different Gods but had the same idea of what their God had said to them. For example, Muhammad like stated in the Qur’an is the messenger of Allah. Jesus on the other hand is the messenger of God in the bible. They’re mission was to spread the word to everyone of what God commanded to them. The prophet’s purpose was to explain the plan and purpose of God and inform other individuals about it. When comparing both

  • Orthopraxy In Islam

    1121 Words  | 3 Pages

    Orthopraxy in Islam Islamic life is centered on the physical practice of prayer (salat). With that the religion of Islam itself is based in the methodical movement through which Muslims show their devotion to Allah. The prayer begins with the devotee standing, bending slowly into a sitting position and ending in full prostration. Bowing fully onto the ground is a practice that shows humility and represents the true devotion of members. Practice-centered religion differentiates itself from “orthodox”

  • Islam

    638 Words  | 2 Pages

    societal, and criminal law. All these laws come from God through revelations that are sent through His angel, Gabriel to the Prophet, Muhammad. The laws have been transmitted over time to the people of Islam in the two forms: the direct word from Allah, namely the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet, the sunnahs. The primary source of Islamic law which is the foundation of every Muslim’s faith and practice is the Quran. The Quran deals with all subjects that concern humankind, mainly the relationship

  • Describing Allah in Human Terms

    687 Words  | 2 Pages

    Describing Allah in Human Terms Every person in this world has one important belief. Be that in religion, money, power or family life. Many people have this one belief in particular. One that causes conflict, but also brings about happiness and celebrations. Religion and God. It has existed over thousands of years. Islam is the second largest religions among the world with approximately 1.3 billion followers. Many people have their own views on Allah and they can neither be described

  • Importance Of Hudood In Islam

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    drawn by the Allah Almighty for the people, so that they do not follow the wrong path or do not transgress Allah Almighty. Hudood: Linguistic Meaning: HUDOOD is an ARABIC word which is the plural of HUD means Limits or Boundaries, Prevention, Hindrance, Restraint or Prohibition. It is also known as disambiguation in English. Literary Meaning: HUDOOD are the boundaries or limits that has been set for the Muslim Ummah so that they do not exceed the teachings of Islam. As Allah Almighty Has

  • Prophet Isas Research Paper

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bethlehem. Isa's mother, Maryam, went through the pains of child birth with the help of no one. She only had the help of Allah (swt). For Isa, her son, was a miracle given to her from Allah, he was born without a father. While going through the pains of labor, she cried to Allah for help. He told her to shake the tree and dates started to fall from the tops of the tree. Allah allowed for a stream to flow from beneath her feet. When Maryam returned to Jerusalem with Isa in her arms, the people began

  • Islam

    842 Words  | 2 Pages

    --The Prophet Muhammad (p) was asked by his contemporaries about Allah. The answer came directly from God Himself in the form of a short chapter of the Qur’an that is considered the essence of the Unity of God or the motto of monotheism. “Say: He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten, and there is none like unto Him.” [Al-Qur’an 112:1-4] --Having achieved this knowledge of the One True God, man should constantly have faith in Him, and should allow

  • People Of A'Ad

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    the Holy Book: Do ye build a landmark on every high place to amuse yourselves? And do ye get for yourselves fine buildings in the hope of living therein (forever)? And when ye exert your strong hand, do ye do it like men of absolute power? Now fear Allah, and obey me. Yea, fear Him Who has bestowed on you freely all that ye know. Freely has He bestowed on you cattle and sons, And Gardens and Springs. (Al-Sho'arâ':128-134). They also mentioned that the headquarter of A'ad and their homes were in the