The Five Pillars

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The religious practice of Islam, which literally means "to submit to God", is based on tenets that are known as the Five Pillars also known as "Arkan-eIslam". These five mandatory principles that are required by believer to follow. The word Pillar clearly shows that without believing and practicing these mandatory points the believer cannot be called as a good Muslim. It is compulsory for every Muslim to believe and act according to these pillars. The stronger the pillars are the stronger faith Muslim has. Strong pillars are same like a tree with deep roots. As it is impossible to take out the deep roots of tree from the soil it's impossible to eradicate faith of a practicing Muslim. These pillars include
3. Sawm …show more content…

While fasting Muslims should restrain themselves from food, drinks, and sexual intercourse and other sins from dawn to dusk during this whole month. Though fasting is obligatory act but it is allowed for some group of people to leave this act of worship to whom it is extremely problematic or dangerous. This group includes pre-pubescent children, those with the severe medical condition, elderly people or pregnant or breastfeeding women. other believers who are acceptable for not fasting are ill people and travelers but they have to perform the missing fast once they come back to the normal state. Main purpose of fasting is to make ourselves close to Allah and ask Allah Almighty for forgiveness of our sins. Fasting is the best way a believer can purify his soul. Fasting in Ramadan is compulsory but fasting is other months is also accepted and is called as nafli fasting. For which the individual gets extra reward. Anyone can fast in other months to raise his rank. Fasting also effects the individual biologically. As it is proven good for the stomach to remain empty for long period of time throughout a month. Fasting helps the believer understand the condition of unprivileged people and those who cannot afford food for themselves. He gets to know the pain of being hungry that ultimately make him thankful for the blessings of Allah Al mighty and gives him the will to serve the community. In this way the believer becomes a humbler being. Allah states in the Quran: "O you who accept! Fasting is endorsed for you as it was recommended to those before you that you may learn poise." (Quran 2:183) Impact of Sawm on life of a

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