Time Lapse Photography Project Description

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In order to choose my exit project, I had to do a lot of thinking and deciding in order to uncover what I would select as my exit project’s subject. Originally, I had several ideas at hand; learning how to produce film, restoring an old camera, building a camera, and learning post production editing. These projects were my original choices because I am a photography enthusiast and amateur. Later on, I realized that these projects weren’t achievable because of the requirements and difficulty level that came along with attempting the projects; I was at a standstill. I contemplated on these choices and eventually discovered an alternative; time lapse photography. Time lapse photography is a form of photography in which a sequence of photos is played at a faster rate. Before choosing time lapse photography as my exit project, I had already seen time lapses before without consciously knowing about it. The timelapses that I watched that were introduced to be via movies, short films, and other forms of visual arts, inspired me in many ways. This inspiration led me to chose time lapse photography as my exit project. Luckily, I had already found a mentor for this project; my father. The second step to carrying out my exit project, was researching about time lapse photography, how to make a time lapse video, and finding the needed materials to make the time lapse video. The research part was easy due to the research essay process that was required of us. To complete my exit project, I had to have a thoroughly written research essay on my topic. Luckily, I had the proper resources and guidelines to complete this research paper. I did lots of research on how to create time lapse videos along with the history and origins of it. Writi... ... middle of paper ... ...will still need to create a script that will fit the correct time frame required to present my exit project to the judging panel. When the day of my presentation comes, I hope and pray that I will leave a strong impression and hopefully pass with great results. I have addressed how I plan to carry out my exit project. I talked about what is required of me to complete my exit project, what I have done so far, and what I still need to do towards my progress and completion of my time lapse video. Doing this project has helped me discover my purposes for choosing it: to expand my knowledge, experience, and technique on photography, explore my photography capabilities, and to give me a overall opinion on my future in relation to photography. I also will use this project and the experiences that come with it as a test of my faith in myself, patience, and perseverance.

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