Petra Collins Artwork Essay

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Petra Collins’ artwork served me as an inspiration for my project as she reinforced the confidence in my main ideas. Her work is similar to Prue Stent’s, based on the life experiences of women and femininity. Collins tries to represent teenage girlhood and the intimate and unmediated in-road into teenage life. She uses an evocative portrait style which covers themes such as felinity, feminism and identity. Her aesthetic is also dreamy, but she includes in her work other elements such as vintage fashion. Collins’ photographies explore in depth confrontational situations in a girlish world, as she tries to communicate a message of freedom and empowerment through the liberation of women. All her work is shot in 35mm film and her aesthetic is heavily …show more content…

The subjects of his photographs are portrayed candidly, meaning there’s no presence of unnatural poses, something that attracted my attention and definitely impact- THE KODACHROME RENAISSANCE "4 © Petra Collins © Aso Mohammadi ed my work, as I discovered that as a photographer I wanted to capture the organic human nature. Mohammadi’s includes intense human presence throughout his entire portfolio and applies a still life technique which includes a mixture of different colors and patterns that definitely helped me to push my aesthetic value. Conclusion – Perspective and legacy. Thanks to the influences of my project (such as Prue Stent, Aso Mohammadi and Petra Collins), I've mastered my photographic skills as the artists which I explored in depth helped me with my own artistic development, and pushed forward my ideas to life with the use of experimentation. My work reflects different backgrounds and styles which I consider really important as I wanted to implement and build a different unique style, which ended up brilliantly creating my own. Through the development of my work I found myself rediscovering myself in a new innovative way as I’ve got deeply in touch with my artistic side, trying things I’ve never done before

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