next step

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Motivation to most of us is to graduate college, the future goal we intend to accomplish in our education careers. I’m not saying it’s the next step for all, but for most careers require higher education. Graduating college is a feeling we can all share; at least one of us have a family member, loved one, friend, co-worker or even yourself that has completed the overall goal as a college student; we strives us to achieve the degree in our field?
Family is a strong reason why people strive or fail in education; senior year or maybe earlier, most senior year defines your early college career as A.C.T and S.A.T become the main focus as also your grade point average. Which school to apply for, what scholarships are available to you? Out of nowhere your parent’s reactions towards school have changed, not saying they were not strict on you but the goals they set for you the year prior are going to change drastically.
Family unity will show the drive and understanding, that now the time is here, for what most parents with educational backgrounds, would say the most important time in your teen adult life, moving away from home growing up without our loved ones, plus to add that we our embarking on a journey through college education. For the first time with the pressure to get up for class without mom waking us, early mornings before she cooked breakfast and went off to work, as the pressure of getting good grades, being social, making new friends. The big factor came when managing how to eat without blowing all your money on school food or fast food since dorms dot allow kitchen units.
No home cooked meals for a while, still with all the disadvantages of leaving home we all pack up our bags, kiss mom, dad, and other family members and...

... middle of paper ...’s at my mother home, time has change, we are getting older. We are all adults, no matter how we feel, life hands you lemons, sometimes you have to make lemonade, as my glass of lemonade fills up, I’m coming to the next step in life, as family keeps striving, I understand that striving, being attentive in my studies is all I can do to better my knowledge, open my eyes to what’s really going on, not to what I think is going on.
The next step, what is your next step? Do you believe in the education system? As I do or do you have your doubts? If so why? Is it lack of proof, like some students out there, do your parents lack higher education? If so that’s fine but what’s your next step? You don’t have to know now but just a thought. Can you find the steps, that you’re trying to succeed in, just think what your passion is? What drives you to grow in education?

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