Comparing Highschool and College

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Comparing Highschool and College “Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes.” Johann Von Goethe wrote the previous quote. He was trying to emphasize that everything in life brings about change. Attending high school and college is a decision that brings about consistency as well as change. Even though they both serve the purpose of educating, there are great differences and similarities in the high school and college experience. Honors and advance placement classes in secondary school prepare one for the challenge of higher educational opportunities in college. On the other hand, the freshmen experience in college is much more challenging. One must dedicate much more time to his or her studies in order to succeed. Essentially, in order to move on to a higher educational level, one must enhance his or her character, mature, and accept and adapt to change. Both high school and college make a certain commitment to each student. They are committed to provide the students with remarkable opportunities to pursue and enhance their education. For example, scholarships, loans, and financial aid can provide the student with an opportunity to pursue his or her education, no matter what their financial status is. Aside from the students, high school and college would be meaningless without its faculty. Most teachers and professors in high school and college are well-educated individuals. They have spent some years studying to obtain a teaching degree. As teachers and professors, their main concern (or goal) is for the student to learn, understand, and master the course they teach. The teacher or professor may accomplish this goal by reviewing the material, emphasizing key points, or providing the students with examples that they could easily relate to. Most of them are willing to dedicate extra time to help the student meet his or her needs. Several high school teachers, as well as some college professors go beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic. They teach you about life in general, all its hardships and all its rewards. Receiving a good education is great, but enhancing your individuality and growing as a person is just as important. Some teachers and professors discuss their own personal experiences and lessons, which they have encountered throughout life. These lessons in life could impact the student and educ... ... middle of paper ... ...ferent goals and priorities for himself or herself. Now that they already entered college, they are concerned about their major and starting a successful career. Attending high school and entering college is a path in life that many of us choose. This path in life, along with any other of life’s routes, brings about change. You may view change as being positive or negative. Whichever way you view it, change is a part of life. It can bring forth many challenges, as well as adventures and new experiences. When people are confronted with change, some feel awkward and insecure. Although several people attempt to avoid it, change is inevitable. Despite change, these remain: the importance of setting priorities and goals for yourself, having determination, and doing your outright best. (Faith, hope, and love will also remain constant, steadfast and true.) Do not only grow intellectually (in book knowledge), but be wise and grow as an individual with morals and values as well. The following quote, written by John Dewey, summarizes the definition of education. “Education is a social process…Education is growth…Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself.”

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