mobile operating systems

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In this essay I will define what mobile operating systems are and differentiate between different type of mobile operating systems and their market share in the UK. Mobile operating systems are the thing that runs the interface of your cellular phone or tablet and almost everyone in the UK uses a cellular phone or a tablet. Despite everyone using a mobile os most people don’t really know what it is. The most common used operating systems in the UK are the IOS, android, Symbian, windows and black berry. Mobile operating systems are all unique in their own way and which is why various cell phone brands use them. The major mobile operating systems of the UK are IOS, Android, Symbian, Windows and Blackberry. All of these operating systems have been around for quite some time and have been becoming more advanced every year since there is so much competition they need to be upgraded constantly to keep up with the modern age and so they are not dominated by their competitors. The Symbian os used in nokia’s smartphones and the windows os used in pda’s alongside the blackberry were dominate...

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