Mobile Operating Systems

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Smartphone’s, PADs, tablet computers and other handheld devices that are used to run over operating system are called mobile operating system (Mobile OS). A specified data and programs that run over the mobile devices are referred as mobile operating system. It handles all the hardware and optimizes the performance of the application software in the device. Mobile multimedia functions, Internet connectivity and many other applications are handled by mobile operating system. Base infrastructure software inherent of a computerized system is operating system. It controls all primitive operations of the computer such as PDA and Smartphone. To install and execute the third party applications (known as apps) by users are allowed in the operating system devices. It enumerates new functionalities of the devices. Today mobile devices with a desired OS are called Smartphone’s and a wide range of applications for instances games, apps,communication or social media apps, digital maps, etc are used by users.

There are several mobile operating systems like: ios, android, blackberry, symbian os, bada os, windows os, etc...In this audit we are presenting windows operating system and android operating system in brief. Features and applications of these phones have been looked closely in the audit.



Android is an operating system which is used in smart phones. It is an open source software. That is the code is available under the apache license freely for moderation and distribution by device manufacturer. As we know android is the open source software so manufacture modifies it according to their needs and requirements of the user perspective. In 2007 first time android was intended and first time it was...

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Conclusion :-

In this audit we have compared two operating system windows and android. android phones are more efficient then windows as it is an open source platform though it is unsecured , one can easilly modifiy the code.


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