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Christian fidelity in marriage
Fidelity, in the Christian viewpoint, is the strict fulfillment of vows and duties or conjugal faithfulness. This definition seems uncomplicated, but to practice fidelity in a relationship, specifically marriage, is a commitment that many people would not comprehend in its’ totality.
The Christian meaning of fidelity is perceived by the majority of society to be strictly in the corporeal sense only. As a Christian we are called to look upon not only the physical reality but also the spiritual reality. The actual definition of fidelity is: 1) strict fulfillment of promises, duties, etc., 2) loyalty, 3) conjugal faithfulness. In light of that we must look at the meaning and practice of fidelity in a Christian marriage.
When a couple is married, they enter into a covenant relationship not a marriage contract. The difference between the two is that a contract is simply a written agreement between two parties and a covenant in the biblical sense is much more. A covenant is based on a verbal or non-written promise that is attested to by either a sworn verbal oath, vow, or act. In a covenant you promise to share not only your worldly possessions but also your own body. When you promise to love, honor, obey, until death do us part, one has to keep in mind that every time you swear an oath, you are calling on God to testify that what you have sworn to is the truth. People must consider that when you take your marriage vows this is precisely what you are doing. In a contract all you have to do is sign on the dotted line and hopefully you have read the contract. A couple must truly understand the difference between the two before entering into this sacred union.
Additionally, the Christian point of view we must...

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... light responsibility and has to be weighed judiciously before deciding to enter into a marriage. One must ask a potential spouse what their definition of fidelity is, and does their viewpoint and yours reflect the same thing? If not, the better choice would be to delay or cancel any marriage plans or you must then contemplate if this a compromise that you are willing to make? If you decide that it is a compromise you are willing to make can you then live with someone who then says, “You know I lied, I am only going to give you my love, but I will not share X with you.” That leaves a lot up to chance and can come back and haunt you down the road. We must understand as a Christian society that marriage is much, much more than many people think it is and must understand that fidelity in its truest sense, is more than what the common understanding leads one to believe.

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