leadership of joan of arc

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The early years This a short passage in the life of Joan of Arc known as the Maid(virgin), the daughter of France, the witch(named by her enemies) was a native of a small village of Domremy in the eastern part of France, came from a poor family of peasant farmers. She did not learn to write or read and spent her childhood in the pastures, absorbed praying in the church. Joan was the youngest of a family of five. She grew up in the middle of a internal conflict between the Armagnac, governed by Dauphin, the Duke Charles (later King Charles VII, of France), and the Burgunians in alliance with the English leaded by the Duke john and his son Philip III, whom accept the claim of the throne of France by king Henry V . At the age of thirteen she heard voices quite close to her foretelling something about her and France future. Joan later recognized them individually as St. Michael, St. Margaret, and St. Catherine. They gradually revealed to her in name of God the mission to aid the Dauphin and defeat the English from the French soil. Her leadership, allegiance and faith in God helped her to lead the French Army until accomplish the holy mission commended without fear until her dead. The audience in Chinon Joan said that her Lord instructed to her to go to see the Duke Charles and give to him the message about the salvation of France with she as the leader of the Army in a great military campaign in the name of God and to crow him as the king in the Reims cathedral. She asked her uncle Duran to take her to see a local commander (Captain) that remain loyal to Charles and request permission and an escort to go to see the Duke in Chinon, but the commander do not believe in her words and ordered to return home, she insisted telling about... ... middle of paper ... ...he trial that took her to death. She never gave up her faith and remained loyal to her country. The trial was revised twenty four years later because the popular feeling was that the trial were unfair and a holy person was burned, this time the tribunal appellate and examined witnesses led by the pope, and ironically reverse and annulled the sentence made by Cauchon`s presidency. She was beatificated in 1909 and canonized as a saint in 1920 by Pope Benedict XV. Every year on may, residents of Orleans mark the liberations day when the town was freed by real French troops led by Joan of Arc, the citizens and guest gathered in the cathedral and to listen to a mass in her name, delegations past for the historical place in theatrical group of horse riders led by a woman in knight armor, all those acts demonstrate the undead love that the people still have for Saint Joan.

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