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Serious health risks can be associated with powerlifting and bodybuilding when examined at an elite level.
Powerlifting and bodybuilding are very similar, but at the same time, very different. Both pertain to the use of weight training, supplementation, and specialized diets,. The factor that differs in the two is that powerlifting is built on performance, and bodybuilding is based solely on appearance.
Powerlifting can take its toll on the body. In powerlifting, the athlete trains for maximum strength meaning that the weight used is very heavy and often for very low repetitions, ranging anywhere from 1-5; usually 80% and over of a one rep maximum for most of the work done. This can take its toll on joints/lower back; lots of preventative measures are utilized to prevent joint pain such as: using aids like knee/elbow sleeves, knee/wrist wraps, and weightlifting belts. Injuries are quite common thus most powerlifters will take preventative measures, or pre-rehabilitation, to prevent them.
Body building is the opposite; the goal is to produce a body that is aesthetically pleasing as possible or get as big as possible. Weights used are often moderate. Most swear by the 8-12 repetition scheme, which when put into the percentage formula comes out to below 80%. The weights are simply not heavy enough to cause wear and tear on your joints/lower back as long as you are performing them correctly. Injuries are not as frequent as in power lifting but are still relevant and some sort or precautionary measure is usually taken.
At the elite level of any sport, PEDs are involved. AAS, which come in two forms: injectable and oral, HGH, peptides, and diuretics. A cycle is a period of time you are on any given substance, or a combination of drugs...

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...joint, tendon and ligament problems, the opposite of bodybuilding where weights are light. Drug use in each sport is what poses the most prevalent health risk. Bodybuilders will go to extreme length, when contrasted with powerlifters, to achieve the body they want; sometimes tripling AAS use, adding peptides, insulin and diuretics. Due to the nature of bodybuilding and it being a sport based solely on image, the diets tend to be cleaner, as that is a important factor in the outcome of a physique. Bodybuilders also tend to have better cardiovascular health due to the fact that they are required to do cardio, and their training is very intense and high paced. Overall, bodybuilding is worse than powerliftering when it comes to overall physical and mental health at an elite level simply due to a bodybuilders extreme drug use which can lead to a plethora of side effects.

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