Zombie Creative Writing

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A loud screetch, screaming sound came from further down the abandoned slum street. The two other men stood silent being cautious looking around their shoulders and such. My face was dripping sweat through the cracked goggles I was wearing. I shook them off and started to be confused on what was happening at the moment. “Fall back! Fall back!” hollered the bald man. Him and the other guy darted through the trees and bushes behind the houses. I was out of breath gasping for air. The sun beamed on my face, leaving me wanting to die at the moment. I layed there alone. I crawled on my injured knees and in front of my about 30 meters infront of me, I say a sprinting monster run at me. It was a zombie. I tried getting to my knees but it was tough to stand up. The zombie was closer and closer and soon it’s crusty, bloody, brown hands made contanct with my left forearm. It’s teeth grinded into my flesh and had blood …show more content…

The girl dragged me beside her and she karate kicked open the door in front of us. We stood infront of the doorway, waiting for the other man to let go and run through it. I heard the first door crack, and the door came down following by 12 zombies. The survivor was trapped in the corner of the room screaming as the zombies crawled on him tearing his skin off and eating his dead body. “Amir! NOOO!” the girl shouted on the top of her lungs. We had to get out of here. She yanked me out the door and slammed it shut where the zombies would be trapped inside. She layed me on the ground, and sat down with me with a worried face. “Tower, this is Jade. Get Sickbay ready. Got a guy with a bad head wound, and a bite on one arm,” she hurry spoke into the mini headset she was wearing on her head. I could hear the people through the mic. “Oh no, Amir’s hurt!?”-Tower “No..Amir’s gone...But I’m bringing in someone who might still survive,” she replied. You could hear the sadness in her voice. She was shaking pretty

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