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Fashion and its effects on youth
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From 1945 onwards post-war Europe began rebuilding, a period which created an economic boom, where unskilled and semi-skilled work paid generously in jobs such as distribution, retail and light assembly amongst other service jobs. Creating a society that consisted of considerable amounts of disposable income, especially among working-class youth who worked while still residing with parents . The post war baby boom which brought about a new generation of youth who shared different values, morals and behaviours to that of their parents . This essay aims to explore why youth culture was seen as a phenomenon after 1945 in Europe with reference to Britain and America. Youth culture was a phenomenon in post war Britain, because the it was a new …show more content…
This was done through music, dress sense, language and behaviour. The Teddy Bear Boys were the first explicit youth subculture, consisting of working class urban men who wore Edwardian-style jacket, waistcoat, drainpipe trousers and crepe-soled shoes. Their dress sense influenced by Dandies from the Edwardian period . Youth culture had a snowball effect on the post-war teenagers, drastically increasing in numbers and new formations of subcultures merging. It provoked a rather negative response from the media and older generation, with the media portraying youth culture as dangerous, a threat to social norms and something that had to be eradicated. The older generation could not relate because of the age gaps, therefore strongly opposed the new found social norms, labelling youth as ungrateful, disrespectful and lacking in manners …show more content…
This meant that the younger generation stuck together as one and were a lot more determined to show that they were not afraid to express their beliefs. They wanted to prove to the older generation and to the rest of society that they had a purpose and would not be deterred or intimidated by the media or the police . However, other young individuals reacted in a violent manner. The negative representation from the media fuelled their deep anger and frustration and they wanted this to be known by the rest of the world. The stereotypically negative representation of sub-cultures by the media created a platform for violence with sub-cultures such as, skinheads engaging in public racism to gain popularity with their fellow
The 1960s formed one of the most culturally complex periods in America’s history, and the analysis of this era is just as problematic. During this time, American society experienced an outpouring of filmic, literary and musical texts that challenged traditional institutions such as the Christian church, the government and the family unit. It would be naïve to argue that this period witnessed the first or the last instance of subversive propaganda targeted at young people, for the many dissenting voices herein did not emerge by random chance. The formulation of a more politically aware youth culture in America and, to a lesser but still important extent, Great Britain, was a gradual process that had been taking hold for considerable time, not one that exploded into being when Bob Dylan or John Lennon began writing protest songs.
The institutions, cultural forms, and economic powers were lifted as the term “teenager” itself was created to differentiate young men and women from adults (University of Toronto 145). The clothing trends, hairstyles, dances and even the language was different from that of adults (Armstrong et al, 134). Young men and women enjoyed dressing themselves with blue jeans, leather jackets,and pony tails for women, which stood as an identity for teenagers as it differentiated them from adults (Armstrong et al,135). This idea was amazing to acknowledge because a new type of people are emerging, and this added to Canadian multiculturalism and acceptance of the different types of people.The adults response to the wild nature of teenagers was that they were left shocked at first, yet later they acknowledged this act as just a phase during one’s life, they got used to this unique behaviour as time progressed (OC University 10). With the brutality of World War 2, the youth at the time were simply left neglected (OC University 10). Many believe that teens during the 1950’s were greatly influenced by being raised during a war generation (OC University 10). The youth distinguished themselves through shocking, yet enjoyable behaviour such as dance moves and their overall mindset on life. In addition, advertisers convinced teens to purchase certain products which
Palladino creates a historical background of the thirties in order to show how history related to and effected the personal experiences early teenagers were having. When Palladino wanted to talk about the challenges and repercussions faced by teens of the 1930s, how they were beginning to go to high school and develop a social group of their own, she first had to explain the historical context teens of the thirties were living in which was the Great Depression. Describing the historical context without directly bringing in teenagedom shows Palladino uses sociological imagination by implying a relationship between the Great Depression and the personal experiences of early teenagers. Palladino explains, “But the realities of economic depression, severe and unrelenting by the mid 1930s, altered their plans. Between 1929 and 1933, professional incomes dropped 40 percent, and the supply of white-collar workers dangerously exceeded demand...During the great depression there were 4 million young Americans sixteen to twenty-four who were looking for work, and about 40 percent of them--1 million boys and 750,000 girls--were high school age” (Palladino, 35-36). Later she elaborates to explain that much of teenage life was affected by this historical occurrence, showing that she understands history connects to the personal lives of the early teenage societal group. Palladino does this again when analyzing teens of the forties, “Although the nation had been gearing up for war ever since the fall of France in 1940…” (Palladino, 63), Palladino creates a fuller awareness of the historical context teenagers were living in, in order to examine the group by showing their relation to societal forces as a whole and the history being made around
Because of this new demographic, people started seeing teenagers differently than children, as they did before. They had more freedom; they would be able to go out after school, they would start doing some “adult” activities, such as working. They had more independence from their parents. Teenagers would usually want to stay alone in their rooms talking to friends over the rotary dial phone (if they had one) or they would sneak out at night to go to clubs and parties.
Widdicombe, S and Wooffitt, R. (1995) The language of youth subcultures: social identity in action. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Out of some of the most turbulent times in history have come the greatest ages of success and prosperity. The 1920’s and 1950’s are two eras that exemplify the spirit of triumph and wealth. In both decades, a nation thrilled by the victorious conclusion of war and the return of their loved ones from war entered into an age of capitalism and materialism, bolstering the economy and with it national pride. Some of the features most common to the 20’s and 50’s were consumerism and the accompanying optimistic mindset, the extent to which new ideas entered society, and discrimination in terms of both sexism and racism. On the heels of war, new technology caused a decrease in prices of goods in the 1920’s and in the 1950’s the GI Bill increased income.
Currie, Elliot. 2005. The Road to Whatever: Middle-Class Culture and the Crisis of Adolescence. New York: Metropolitan Books.
The way these teens dressed during this time was very conservative. Due to the restrictions of World War II, "clothes were much [more] simple and less fabric was used because few materials were available” (Mathieson). Many teens during this time period were much more respectful and would not go out of their way to cause a corruption. Te...
Paula Fass’s The Damned and the Beautiful: American Youth in the 1920's delves into the social and cultural climate of the 1920’s middle-class youth in America. Fass observes the multidimensional dynamics of the post-World War I society as citizens adjust to pertinent matters such as industrialization, prohibition and immigration. Amidst the ongoing social, political and economical issues of the early twentieth century, youth played an active role in contemporary life. Adolescents responded to issues through altering their habits, behaviors and viewpoints. Their responses became evident in the public setting and American culture evolved. The transformation of American culture was spearheaded by youth who questioned and went against cultural norms of past generations. Societal changes were visible through family, education, socialization, fashion and style and dating and sexuality.
With the post war baby boom of the 1940s resulting in a huge shift in age demographic, the 60s became a decade belonging to the new wave of youths. Liberated and hedonistic, this affluent generation shunned the values of their parents,
Flower child, bohemian, free spirit, or hippie, they did not change their generation positively. Hippies changed the youth of their generation ferociously, they taught horrific habits and lifestyles. Adolescence were impacted strongly, specifically because most of the hippies were made up of them. Hippies taught the use of drugs, laziness, and free love. Even though hippies were peaceful in their person, they had many problems that lots could not see.
Since the war in Britain the most recurrent types of moral panic has been associated with the emergence of various form of youth (originally almost exclusively working class, but often recently middle class or student based) whose behaviour is deviant or delinquent. To a greater or lesser degree, these cultures have been associated with violence. The Teddy Boys, the Mods and Rockers, the Hells Angels, the skinheads and the hippies have all been phenomena of this kind (Cohen, 2002). Youth appeared as an emergent category in post-war Britain, on one of the most striking and visible manifestations of social changes in the period. Youth...
Members of the Y Generation include those born between the years 1982 and 1994. A generation is known as a group of people born in a particular period who would have experienced similar events or experiences while growing up. There are often negative connotations made against members of the Y Generation, as they are known for being spoilt, overly confident and too dependent on social media and technology. They are the first generation to have grown up with high-definition television, mobile phones, internet and social media. Generation Y are possibly more interested in the environment, caring and community orientated than previous generations. The majority of this generation is now in young adulthood and starting their careers. They make up most of the young singles and couples market and are a very critical group of consumers. Many of the claims made about Generation Y are based on little evidence and contradictory, this report seeks to examine these claims.
effects. This was also the era of the Hippie movement, which influenced many youths, as did
Our young adults today, are bombarded with numerous challenges. What can you do to help them encounter these obstacles and come up shining on the other side? What factors contribute to efficaciously disabling the ample hurdles that are thrown at our young adults today? Let’s discover together some of these life trials that many young adults meet today. More specifically, we will look into economic challenges, the peril of not having an established support network, and even the potential risks of not following God and how this can adversely affect how out young adults respond when faced with challenges.