World War II: The Iranian Revolution

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In Iran from the end of World War II to the 21 century, a lot has changed including many significant developments including the Iranian Revolution ( which changed everything in Iran), and the oil industry increased quite a bit. This made Iran a huge mark for the oil coming from the west and also coming from the soviet side, all this was made by the government to make it a better place to live no matter how tough the sacrifices that had to be done. Having to do with all the changes, is how Iran from a viewpoint from the 90’s to the 21 century was that they still have a huge problem with gender roles, their rocky relationship with the United States, trying to get their nuclear program started, and lastly the economy (oil) . This all is the problems …show more content…

It all started when the Iranian people grew tired of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi ( the leader of Iran from 1941-1979) using the secret police as a terror tactic to get the people to not be disloyal to his rulings. Many were killed using the Savak ( secret police), and as the more lives gotten taken away more people turned to Ayatollah Khomeini for what they thought would be a better and safer place to live. As Khomeini used his powerful words to get the people to go on his side the less people were with the Shah, and as it went on Shah Pahlavi was overthrown and in his place was Khomeini, who was a very strict religious man who believed that the country should follow the rules of Islam. With the Iranian revolution Iran’s oil was then booming, during the 1970’s it was the best time economically for the country. During the time that the shah was still in power from 1954 to 1976 the oil went from 22.5 million to a shocking 19 billion, which made the west see Iran as a country in the Middle East that could really be good for …show more content…

With the new Islamic rule that came in it was a gender brawl for power because the woman loved their rights and they did not want to give them up to the males ( they as well had to give up their careers). It was very hard to get Iran together after a huge change and they are still trying today to get everything back into it’s place once as it was before. For the 21 century Iran desperately wanted their nuclear program to make it’s way in but failed time after time again and as of today are making negotiations to see what they have to do, to finally get their nuclear program that they have been trying for almost forty years. Iran is slowly but surely getting to a point where they are talking with west and trying to patch up all their problems to get the nuclear program that they have been yearning for so long. For Iran leader after leader the country kept on getting more and more strict and trying to follow the true Islamic rules to try and keep Iran from being “corrupt”(from the west) as it once was believed to when the Shah was leading the country. Iran still has a long way to go to make what the Iranian people want and what the government to make it whole and equal all around. With Iran the women

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