Working With Immigrant Women: A Case Study

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headdresses and the stigma around them. Women Working with Immigrant Women (2000) released an issue in which experiences reported by Muslim women wearing hijab and comments made by employers illustrate the barriers and types of discrimination women experience. One woman was “told by an employer that she should remove ‘head cap’” (p.1), this is an excellent example when illustrating the ignorance of the uneducated. The employer did not refer to the correct term for her “head cap” most likely because they do not have knowledge on the matter or did, but, instead decided to be disrespectful by referring to it incorrectly. One woman was told, “she would be hired on condition of removing her hijab” (p.2) while another woman was told by a job search facilitator that her “chances are limited at finding a job when she is wearing hijab” (p.2). It can be proven that discrimination against Muslims in the workplace is not a myth, but instead a crystal clear fact. The job search facilitator’s clear knowledge of what kind of individuals are hired for jobs allowed for the presumption that a woman who wears a hijab would not make it in that category.

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