Working With Emotional Intelligence

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What if someone’s mind could be changed just by wearing a certain type of clothing? Emotional intelligence is the ability to change the decision of a person by using body language, manipulation of words, using clothing, organizations or any other form of communication to get someone to shift their way of thinking. There are both positive and negative ways of working with emotional intelligence. Most skilled mentalists will use these advantages to either make more money at what they are currently doing by reading their clients feeling and fulfilling their needs and then there are those who are trying to take advantage of people.
Introduced over in 1990, psychologists Peter Salovey at Yale and John Mayer came up with emotional intelligence. The …show more content…

Knowing what builds confidence in oneself is the best part of this concept because once that is known, it can be grown. Also once this skill of knowing one’s own self confidence then it is easier to learn others self confidence and again how to grow theirs. These skills can assist a leader or manager in building a successful company because ultimately the employee’s confidence and happiness is the biggest concern or at least the manager has learned to make his employees believe that.
An example of positive emotional intelligence is actually listening to people or employees. This can be done not only in the home but also in the work environment.
Studies have shown that actually taking the time to listen to employees and give facial expressions gives the employees a sense that the management cares about them. Taking five minutes out of the day by management to listen to employee’s concerns can ensure

Emotional Intelligence

3 that employees feel part of the team. They will work harder knowing that their voices are heard and that they are not just a number. Even if management just talks to them and asks them a few questions, it will make them feel more welcome in the company.
An example of negative emotional intelligence can be used to manipulate …show more content…

This is an example of emotional intelligence because the maintenance worker is using the emotions of the customer to get them to pay more money on the account that he was saving them more money by protecting them from further damage and for their safety. In prisons today inmates that need to be seen for wounds in hospitals were unresponsive and uncooperative to officers who were aggressive, loud and abusive. It wasn’t until a nurse came in and started talking to the prisoner with compassion and treating him like he was a regular patient that he began to settle down and cooperate and joke around with the police officers. She used the emotional intelligence concept to change the behavior of the inmate in order to accomplish the treatment of the prisoner and to ensure the safety of not only the hospital staff but of the officers as well.
Another form of this example is when parents do this with their children. Taking time to stop looking at their phone and pay attention to the picture their child wants to show them or listening to the new song that they started liking will show them that they are more important then what is going on in their phone. This is a small sacrifice for the

Emotional Intelligence

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