Women Responding To Racism By Audre Lorde

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Tu Huynh
English 100
Professor Thill
Research essay
Women’s Anger about Racism Racism is a situation that every now and then, America has to face. America has a long history of racism based on its diversity. Racism among women in America does not being seen much in the media, however, it happens every day. Sexual assault is another issue that effect on many Americans, not just women, but also men and others in the LGBT communities as well. The level of extreme harassment decreased, however the number of cases that women report that they feel harassed increased every day. In my personal experiences, consider myself as a woman of color (not American), I see that women in America suffer to fight for their rights, also their personal needs such …show more content…

She explains in the very first paragraph that “I have lived with anger, on that anger, ignoring it, feeding upon it, learning to use it before it laid my vision to waste, for most of my life” (288), she has been silenced and now she want to speak up, to fight not only for herself, but also for women in the community, as well as women in the LGBT community, and probably other communities as well. Women in the other ethical community are taught to eliminate their voice, or they being taught not to have their voice being spoken out. Women are living in such lives until their last day on earth without recognizing that they are limited to rights they deserved to …show more content…

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