With Great Leadership Comes Great Responsibility

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Being in a leadership role pushes a person to be a good role model, make decisions, be fair and reliable, and to have integrity. One of the most important qualities, though, is to have commitment. If you expect your team to work hard and attain success, you will have to lead by example. There is no greater incentive than seeing the person in charge working right alongside everyone else, where the work is being done on every level. By proving your commitment to the overall goals and to your own role, you will not only earn the respect and admiration of your team, but you will also encourage that same hardworking energy among your staff. It’s key to show your commitment not only to the existing goal, but also to your promises. In keeping your word, you want to create a reputation for not just being perseverant, but also be known as a fair leader. Once you have gained the respect of your team, they are more likely to put in the amount of work it will take to reach the ending goal.
Having had various leadership roles throughout my student career, I think that being committed to the task at hand is essential in order for everyone to be on the same page and working toward the same goal. During my senior year of high school, I had the opportunity to student teach with my vocal teacher in the middle school and freshman girls’ choirs. After two months into the year, she had to leave for personal reasons, and it was a really hard adjustment for all the students in the choirs. In being the student teacher for 2 of those choirs, this was especially difficult because the kids didn’t like the change. The substitute teacher didn’t quite measure up to the standards that were already set, so it was easy for discouragement and negativity to set in....

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...at my teacher has done. He is the type of person who expects everyone to strive for success while also achieving individual excellence. A group of band kids can all aim for a final goal, but each person grows as a musician and gains a broader perspective along the way. I was one of those band kids, and I still am. I learned a lot from someone who was a good role model and was passionate about teaching.

These are just a couple of examples in which I was put on both sides of the spectrum. I know what it takes to BE a leader, and I also know what it’s like to be on a team WITH a leader. I’ve learned from good and bad experiences of leadership, which is something I wouldn’t trade for the world. – I believe that a true leader sees it through until the end, and demonstrates the important qualities of commitment and dedication while also inspiring others to do the same.

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