William Shakespeare's Presentation of Conflict in Romeo and Juliet

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William Shakespeare's Presentation of Conflict in Romeo and Juliet There are many examplesof different conflict in Romeo and Juliet such as inner conflict, familly conflict, love and hate also fate and freewill. Conflict takes place straight away in act 1 scene i with strong physical violence, both families have a history of hate and enjoy showing physicalprowess, they love a good fight making it very dramatic. Prince Escalus arrives and warns the two families "if you ever disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfiet" leaving you in suspense. Audience left in acute suspense on what is going to happen next. In act 1 scene 4 Romeo talks about his death and if he goes to Capulets ball that would be the cause of it this being inner conflict "I fear... shall bitterly begin... by some vile forfiet of untimingly death" inner conflict, fate Vs freewill.This making us wonder should he go to the ball? Is it his fate? But if he goes to the ball will he really die , maybe or maybe not. In act 1 scene 5 Tybalt recognises Romeos voice "this by his voice should be a Montague, fetch me my rapier boy" right from the begining of the play we know that Tybalt has a fiery temper, he tells Capulet that romeos is at his ball but he doesnt care that hes there because he has heard good things about him "and to say the truth Verona brags of him to be a virtous and well-governed youth" Tybalt has none of it, tension mounts as the audience already know that Tybalt hates all Montagues, this all being inner conflict. inner conflict also happens when Juliet finds out Romeo is a Montague "my only love sprung from my only hate" this also being oxymoron. Both parties fear the outcome, as audience been warned in the prolouge that love is "doomed" but they anxiously await the outcome. Shakespeare dearly believes in love at first sight and fate. I believe fate does happen and it happens alot. This makes good drama

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