Why Should Smartphones Have A Smartphone?

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Imagine being in the car a kid is on their phone, family at dinner a kid on their phone, and a kid on their phone instead of doing what there asked to do. Half of the kids in america are addicted to their phone. According to CNN news these are the percentages when children get phones 10% of kids 9 years of age or younger, 10-12 years old 23%, 13-15 years old 44%, 16 or older 19%, and wait till out of high school or an adult 4%. The average for a kid to get a phone is 10 years of age all around the world. Nowadays everyone has smartphones and if you don't have one your considered a “loser”. KIds under the age of 10 should not have a smartphone because the brain is not fully developed, People cant have social media until 13 years of age, and …show more content…

“Some people intend that children having devices young is just a sense of entertainment” (Brown). When your in the store and your kid wants to run around and it cant and your shopping you decide to give your child your phone he gets quiet and now is being good because he is distracted by technology. However Instead of giving your kid your phone to play on you could bring a few toys and give it to them only if they agree to understand be good. Smartphones are and should not be a source of entertainment for kids under 10. There is games that kids could play for hours because they make the games addicting. Kids get all sorts of games on their phone that make them say no I don't want to go outside and play right now or say I will when i'm done playing this game. Instead of allowing kids playing games all the time limit their game time on their phone. There's many apps that can limit the time spent on that game or even on the phone all together. Kids talk to there friends on their phones and meet new people online. Kids could think they're talking to another 13 year old girl but really is a 50 year old man. Kids and parents can prevent things like this by not adding or following people they do not know back, and not sharing any personal information. Phones should not be used as entertainment for

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