Why Shoplifting Is Wrong

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Personal choices are often positive or negative. Like, perhaps giving back to your community will make your parents proud of you. Yet, a negative choice like shoplifting isn’t such a good idea; your parent’s won't be so pleased. An experience I had encounter was similar, a choice between whether I should take an action or should not because of my parents wellbeing. I had an internal gut feeling that I shouldn’t shoplift, but an external thought that just for the thrill of it; I’d try to see what happens when I shoplift. My parents always tell that if I take the wrong action then I, myself will be responsible. I just had that thought, that maybe if I pursed what I'd easily get away with, then I can have what I want. I always wondered …show more content…

My parents have always taught me that an action you take can describe of what of a person you are. What I did affected my parents, because at the same time I was described as a shoplifter, my parents were also known as the parents who didn't teach anything to their daughter. The photograph called Pinocchio, to me plays a vital role of how the guider will always steer you in the right direction. Like Pinocchio, I also want to be steered in the right direction by my parents. I want to listen to my heart but, at the same time respect my parents. Demands my parents want from me should be fulfilled as well, so that they feel like they have taught me well. Though, what I did a year ago was different, I had no understanding of what I was done and why I shoplifted. Maybe because I forgot that the most important people in my life won't be hurt. When I shoplifted it affected them a lot. I put them through stress that they probably no one even experience on their exam day. At this transitional point in my life, I thought that I will change for my own good. That I will listen to my parents, and so from there it started, my transition point in life. I figured out what it meant to take your own action and being responsible for it. My parents taught me that everyone in life needs a person who can steer the min the right path. A path where you think twice before what action you take. I learned that sometimes what you desire isn’t always the right thing. Instead if we have a guider like our parents, they will always help you find the correct path. Moreover, at this transitional point in my life I learned a lot and experienced a lot. I was taught by my parents that they will always guide me through the right

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