Why Nice Guys Finish Last Analysis

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Food for Thought on Valentines Day
The topic of gender roles is difficult to elaborate on for many people yet it is becoming increasingly popular in today’s society. For generations the norms of a particular culture or religious group have seemingly be set in stone, in recent times there have been advancements, rather, greater levels of acceptance by many. Julia Serano, author of “Why Nice Guys Finish Last,” makes assertion that men and women can be of equal roles in the modern day. This is possible, however, there is a lot to be done to ultimately change the current mindset that men are seen as the active predator/oppressor individual, whilst women are more passive/opressed and are viewed as prey. The ideas of coming generating must change …show more content…

Though they may be conscious of this, it is high likely that male children and teenagers are picking up the predator/prey mindset through their peers as they interact on a day to day basis. It can also be acquired through social media, movies, and tv shows which can influence people of all ages. A potential solution to this would be to implement a new teaching style in the education system, that promotes and supports the ambitions of female children and teenagers both academic and otherwise, while their male male peers are encouraged to follow through with their ambitions and work along side female classmates with the same interests, while maintaining equal respect among each other. In other words, encouraging interactions with the opposite sex. This will ultimately engrain the idea within each child, that both males and females are viewed as equals. To stop the spread of the predator/prey mindset through various media outlets, networks should implement restrictions on content. What can be viewed as distinguishing men and women by portraying inappropriate stereotypes, and exploiting the predator/prey mindset should be banned. Any trace of this mindset can heavily impact those who observe it, especially those of a developing mind, therefore a restriction on such content will prevent it’s expansion. From the combined efforts of media and social networks, an emergence in mutual respect will soon follow. Once this …show more content…

A man does not have to fear not being attractive, a “good guy,” or an “asshole,” and women do not have to be viewed as “whores”or “virgins” and seen as prey. Serano argues for a world that “women are allowed and encouraged to be sexual without having to be nonconsensually sexualized...and men can be respectful of women without be desexualized”(421). Most adults are using their smart devices on an everyday basis, and social media has proven itself to be a key player in the spread of information. With the advent of social media, adults can raise awareness for and promote equal roles in society for men and women through popular pages like those of celebrities. The local and national government can also promote such a lifestyle. Conventions and seminars are often used to raise awareness for a certain cause. Such events can be sponsored by the state to help adults change their perspective, leading to a change in mindset. As long

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