Why I Want To Be Staff

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I want to be staff for a couple reasons that I will say. I have lot's of previous experience in being staff on servers. I have been playing HCF for 1 year or so now and I have learned the way to play it. I have been staff on a lot's of servers which helps be know if someone may or may not be hacking on the server or not. I have seen great potential in the Vanish server / community, with this I want to make the server better I believe I want to be staff because I want to help Vanish grow more than it already has I want to make sure that the community has the best experience possible so that when a player comes here to play HCF the have a great time doing it. my goal is to help the server with commands and different things the server may need. I want to be staff on …show more content…

I want to become staff on this server for a couple other reasons as well. I want to become staff here because I have been staff on lots of servers and I love the joy of helping people and getting a response. A reason why I have tried to be a great staff member whenever I am staff is because I love helping people and seeing them come back on the server and messages me because I helped them out. I want to be staff because I love to see servers grow in a community and the server as well. What I want to do as a staff member on Vanish is help out more than ever I want to make sure everyone is enjoying their time on the server. Basically I want to make sure their is no hackers I want to stop all the hackers and I don’t want people to be toxic to others. I want to be staff because I want to see the server grow like it has since I joined not to long ago. I think another reason that I want to apply is because I have been on this server for a long time somewhat and I have seen it go though a lot of changes and I want to be more apart of

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