Why I Want To Be An Officer

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One of the main benefits of being an officer in the US Army is the ability to overcome challenging problems. upon graduating from West Point, I will be better equipped with well honed analytical and leadership skills that will enable me to produce high quality results and exceed expectations even in the face of adversity.

Having held leadership roles in the past, I am well familiar with having to make decisions that others may not agree with, yet remain committed to the best courses of action and in line with the stated goals and objectives. Attending West Point and becoming an officer, will place me in an environment where this kind of decision making is part of the daily diet and will further equip me with the mindset and steadfastness needed to make decisions which produce strong outcomes.

The legacy I would like to leave is for people to look back on my involvements and say “Hamilton made the best decisions”. I face challenging situations in everyday life and sometimes I'm not equipped with the prowess to always come out on top. West Point is so appealing because it will give me the …show more content…

Patton’s race across Europe, but West Point is even better defined by the thousands of graduates who after leading and training warriors step into civilian life and lead school boards, state governments of Fortune 1000 companies. West Point’s long shadow of leadership in all places establishes the standard for getting it done and doing so with honor and respect. Some of the most select organizations on the planet actively seek out West Point graduates and do so for one simple reason, they know the quality of the work they will produce is will achieve the mission.. When you hire a West Point grad you're hiring a person with integrity, someone who isn't all books, but a leader and a scholar, without a doubt in my mind I know Harvard and Yale can't say the same for each of their

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