Why I Chose To Become A Student Athlete

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When I was a freshman in high school my baseball coach would say, “Being average isn’t good enough” every single day. This saying was pounded into my head and I have now since based my life off of that simple little expression. I have prided myself off of hard work and dedication since. I chose to attend the University of Sioux Falls to challenge myself physically and academically by becoming a student athlete. I want to grow and become a better individual and I believed there was no better place to do that then Sioux Falls. In my life so far I have met many people that have influenced my life greatly. My high school baseball coach has been the most influential person in my life so far. I want to meet new people that I can learn from and that will push me to continue to work hard and grow as an individual. Whether that be one of my baseball coaches or one of my professor’s. I know that while I am here at the university of Sioux falls they will prepare me to grow intellectually, finically, and spiritually. …show more content…

Volunteer work has been very important to me throughout my life. I was very active as a kid in my hometown by participating in different volunteer projects from singing to the elderly in the nursing home, to delivering the less fortunate with meals. Since coming to Sioux Falls and being apart of the baseball team, we have participated in huge volunteer projects that have benefited the whole community. People have noticed our hard work and they have since started to take action for themselves by giving back to the community in their own

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