Why Elementary Schools should have recess

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If children were asked what their favorite part of the school day is, the majority would answer: recess. Why is this? Is it because recess helps them let off steam, or perhaps to help them settle disputes with other kids. Even though kids love it, elementary schools are starting to remove recess from the daily schedule. School boards believe recess has no value, besides giving youngsters a break. However, scientists have discovered recess helps kids focus better in class, as well as, preventing obesity. Children have an attention span of only twenty minutes. How could they possibly pay attention for seven hours a day with no recess in between? In addition to that, children are not accustomed to physical activity outside of school, so therefore, how are they supposed to stay healthy? With these two counterarguments towards the dismissal of recess, why do elementary schools still refuse to have recess? Because it is proven to help children focus on schoolwork and prevent obesity, all elementary schools should have recess.
Putting recess back into elementary schools is simple; adding a mere thirty minutes to

Hackman 2 the school day. Children at this age need no more than a half hour of play time during school, otherwise they will tire themselves to the point of fatigue. This will not only help the kids catch a break, but the adults as well. Some teachers require a breath of fresh air when teaching screaming, immature, and boisterous kids. The best way to add this thirty minutes of free time is to split it into two fifteen minute recesses. This way the kids can look forward to the beginning and end of the school day.
The problem with recalling recess in elementary schools is that kids will c...

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...t interesting stories. One story in
Kayne, Tela. "Recess Helps Students Do Better in School." MNN. Mother Nature Network, 19 Oct. 2012. Web. 17 Dec. 2013. .
Parker-Pope, Tara. "School Recess Improves Behavior." Well School Recess Improves Behavior Comments. The New York Times, 28 Jan. 2009. Web. 19 Dec. 2013. .
Rochman, Bonnie. "Yay for Recess." Time. Time, 31 Dec. 2012. Web. 18 Dec. 2013. .

"Should Middle and High Schools Have Recess?" The Premier Online Debate Website. Debate.org, 2013. Web. 19 Dec. 2013. .

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