1.0 Introduction
The modernized world has changed people’s perception on how they look at break time or playtime. Many people fail to give importance on break time or playtime in primary school. Thus, the duration given for playtime in primary school level has eventually reduced down the years. The NF (2014) states that ‘school breaktimes are getting shorter despite pupils and teachers recognizing them as an important opportunity for physical exercise and socializing’. Rochman (2012) mentioned that ‘playtime can be as important as class time for helping students perform their best’. If studying is claimed to be important and is the main focus at primary school level, playtime is equally important too as playtime is the duration where children gets the opportunity to develop various skills.
In this essay, break time or playtime is two different words which carries the same definition that is ‘recess’. The AOTA (2012) defined recess as ‘an important part of each school day……..Recess is an important time for students to develop important performance skills in the areas of emotional regulation and communication and social skills’.
2.0 Definition of Break Time or Playtime
Playtime is a word that can be defined and understood in various ways, thus, resulting in misunderstanding of the term ‘playtime’. Playtime can be assumed as a time where children are left to freely play without supervision or in other words a time for students to do anything they prefer without limitations and instructions. Some people may assume playtime as a well planned period in school whereby students gain new knowledge and skills.
What is the real meaning to the term ‘playtime’? PPSG defined playtime as ‘a process that is freely chosen, personally d...
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...n, B., (2012) Yay for Recess: Pediatricians Say It’s as Important as Math or Reading, Available at: http://healthland.time.com/2012/12/31/yay-for-recess-pediatricians-say-its-as-important-as-math-or-reading/, (accessed: 05/01/14)
Scott,E., (2007) Play Time for Healthy Child Development, Available at: http://stress.about.com/od/parentingskills/a/play.htm, (accessed: 06/01/14)
Sindelar,R., (2002) Recess: Is It Needed in the 21st Century? Available at: http://ecap.crc.illinois.edu/poptopics/recess.html, (accessed: 08/01/14)
The American Occupational Therapy Association School Mental Health Work Group , (2012) Occupational Therapy’s Role in Mental Health Promotion, Prevention, & Intervention with Children & Youth: Recess Promotion, Available at: http://www.aota.org/-/media/Corporate/Files/Practice/Children/SchoolMHToolkit/Recess%20Promotion.ashx, (accessed: 05/01/14)
With an increasing demand for higher standardized testing scores, schools are finding themselves in a tough position. The huge question being asked is how do we create more time for students to learn common core. The simple answer is, we don’t! Incorporating more time for recess is the key to success for students everywhere. Many researchers and educators alike agree that participating in recess increases students’ cognitive, academic, and social skills. The amount of time allotted for recess should be increased for students of all ages. A child’s well-being encompasses more than just academia. Children spend almost eight hours a day at school, sometimes more. The school system and
Some people might say that middle schoolers shouldn’t have recess, but, middle schooler don’t always have gym, and they don’t get enough exercise, so recess would be beneficial to middle schoolers.
The word “play” has numerous meanings to different people in different contexts. Therefore it cannot have one definition and is described in a number of ways. Smith (2010) describes play as involvement in an activity, purely for amusement and to take part for fun. That play is “done for it’s own sake, for fun, not for any external purpose.” (Smith, 2010. P4) Therefore, as one precise definition cannot be presented for the word ‘play,’ it is described in a number of ways such as social dramatic play. Briggs and Hanson (2012) portray social dramatic play as the building blocks of a child’s ability to accept the possibility to step into another world, building and developing on children’s higher order thinking, accentuating the child as a social learner. Another example of play is exploratory play, which is described as children being placed in an explorer or investigator role, to identify the cause or affect a resources that is presented to them has. (Briggs, M and Hanson, A. 2012) Games are also another example of play. They are included on the basis that playing games with rules, regardless of age, can develop a child’s intellectual capabilities along with their physical, behavioural and emotional health. (Briggs, M and Hanson, A. 2012).
Children can burn off bottled up energy at recess that they have accumulated while sitting through their teacher’s lessons. Lahey mentions that “studies have found that students who enjoy the benefit of recess are more attentive once they return to class”. This is helpful because the child will be focused on what they are learning instead of fidgeting in their chair. Also, providing breaks to students while they are learning can result in longer attention spans. Recess is a break that recharges the brain and allows elementary students to control their desire to adventure. Young children are easily distracted, so recess regulates this by providing them with their own free time. Students become more self-contained after they return from recess due to their tiredness. This is useful in class because children will be less hyperactive. The absence of recess would not permit students to learn self-control
Sindelar, R. (2004). Recess: Is it needed in the 21st Century? Clearinghouse on Early Education and Parenting, Vol. 18, Issue 1, 1-6.
When kids are getting their necessary period of interrupted play it has great benefits in the classroom helping their cognitive skills to grow. As children get to play at regular intervals through out the day, they children are able to diminish stress and other types of distractions so when they sit down they are more attentive and productive.
The book, Exploring Your role in Early Childhood Education, defines play as, “any activity that is freely chosen, meaningful, active, enjoyable, and open-ended.”(pg. 140) Play has many positive characteristics such as freedom to explore and create. Suppose when a child enters his/her classroom and has various self-selection activities available, the child can become engaged in something of interest specifically to that individual child. The book also states, “Play is active and is natural process of mentally and actively doing something.”(pg. 140) When children can act out or explore experiences they are having hands on experience and learning by actually doing. Without knowing it, children are practicing body movements as well as mental processing though acting imaginary games out.
reason children are being given less time for free exploratory play is because they are being
What is play? Play is defined as engaging in activates for enjoyment & recreation rather than a serious practical purpose. Playing is a disorganized voluntary spontaneous activity, which may include objects, one’s body, symbol usage, and relationships. Play is flexible, individualize, grouped, motivating, self-directed, open-ended, or self-directed. (Smith, 2013) (Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, 2010)
Article 31 from the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC, 1989) states the right to play is for children to engage in activities freely that are age appropriate. All individuals should endorse equal opportunities for leisure, artistic, cultural and recreational activities. The right of play is important element for education as it is instrumental for achieving health and peak development. (Lester, S., Russell, W. 2010 p. ix) states that rest, leisure and play are combined into a child’s life to be controlled by each individual child not to be coordinated by an adult. Play is children being in control of their own doings; play is allowing children to create, explore, imagine problem solve and experiment in a way in which
...ctive. Play is an essential learning tool and one that must not be ignored within the classroom. It is a catalyst to help children develop socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. It is not only an important part of a child’s development as a pupil but also a child’s development as an individual.
However, despite the unquestionable link to a brighter future for the children who engage in it, less and less time is being allotted for play in the classrooms. As standards for what children are expected to know at younger and younger ages continues to rise along with the demand for standardized testing from the state, time for play is being sacrificed. Adults are choosing to get rid of time for unstructured play and recess to make time for this new testing interfering with the time allotted for children to learn independently through play. Cutting play and recess is a mistake, and here is why: “recess gives students time for social interactions: for students must be able to initiate, negotiate, cooperate, share, and build relationships with one another--skills that are highly valued in the adult world but that often are quite different from work or play under adult supervision and control” (Chang). Those skills learned through play, are often not the sole purpose of a classroom lesson and could potentially be the only place they learn those needed skills. Play is an affective measurement in the classroom as well as outside of the classroom and children can learn so much from it if only given the chance
UMCG, (2012) More free playtime benefits young children’s psychosocial development, Available at: http://www.umcg.nl/EN/corporate/News/Pages/More_free_playtime_benefits_young_childrens_psychosocial_development.aspx, (date accessed: 28/12/13)
A very wise man; Charles Schaefer, once said “We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing.” To begin with, there is no one explanation about what play really is, other than the fact that it holds infinite numbers of definitions according to every single individual. Play is just not a physical body movement involved in an activity, but more than that if you look outside of the box. For centuries, play has been practiced in its own unique way with not only children, but adults as well.
In Kindergarten school, some parent believes play is the best way for young children to learn the conceptions, skills, and set a solid foundation for later school and life success. In the other hand, many parents disagree and believe play is a waste of time, messy, noisy, and uneducationall. I believe play is not waste of time, but it something worth to fight for, in this presentation I would show parent the main importance of some of the numerous kinds of play, and why play is a fundamental basis for improving children’s ability to succeed in school and life.