Why Does Jesus Do Not Matter

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There are many people today who believe that Jesus do not matter. They have no interpretation of who Jesus is as well as many how has never hear the name Jesus. There are some people who hears his words, but fail to accept Jesus as true. Salvation is free and many still hesitant to seek, because they are too lethargic to read God’s words. Some people are seasoned in their ways of living. Many were taught growing up as a child that Jesus matters, but many gone astray because they find church boring, and they begin to live their lives like Jesus do not exist. Moreover, there are numerous different types of religion, and practices about Jesus, but there is only one truth that Jesus is real. What will happen to those people who fail to believe in Jesus? It is a virtuous thing to be acquainted with the words of God. There is no man on earth that …show more content…

He can reduce stress in our lives daily. For this reason, we can pray and call upon his name if we believe in him and his words. According to the Gospel of John, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). This scripture warns us about tribulation in our lives, but we can find inner peace if we serve him truly. As the scripture stated that he has overcome the world. It could possibly mean that we can overcome if we pursue him. For example, fasting is a good source of meditation to give us inner peace, and we will be able to live better in our external life if our soul is right with God. We all need external peace in our surroundings because now and again trouble move towards us. If we formulate our inner peace, it will comfort us through hard times and we can become more resilient individuals on earth. Inner Peace with God help us to deal with our external peace, and our deepest despair if we have assurance in

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