Why Do People Verbally Aggressive?

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Many people disagree with others on many topics. Some debates get verbally aggressive. When this happens other people outside of the debates will try to explain that it is not worth being mean if you and another person don't agree. We all disagree at certain times. But when others try to remind people in debates to be nice, the people will most likely retaliate. Therefore it is good to self-monitor. If we don't people get offended, discouraged, and often times mad. When people get offended they retaliate. This makes the arguments go from just a small argument over a disagreement to a huge ordeal. From here people start yelling, and getting aggressive. When online people start logging off, deleting accounts and just overall avoiding social media. When this happens between coworkers, family or friends, time around each other could be made odd and uncomfortable. Making the idea of self-monitoring even better. …show more content…

When we get into arguments we can say some pretty hurtful things. These things can lead to discouragement. But if we self monitored our selfs we would know not to say the hurtful things. And yes you're probably thinking we already know not to say the hurtful things even though we say them anyway. I guess what I'm trying to say is if we watched what we said the hurtful things would not leave our mind. Keeping others from discouragement and if you think about it if we don't discourage others they most likely won't discourage us. Especially if we all self-monitor.Getting upset or mad is just as easy to do as getting discouraged. Because we all think that our opinions are correct we all want everyone else self-monitored anyway and when others don't believe in what we do, we get mad. We all have a reason for believing in what we believe self-monitoring. But our reasons don't always make sense to the people we are surrounded by. That is self-monitoring comes

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