Why Do Children Get Too Much Screen Time

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Screen Time: Are Children Getting Too Much?
Think about the amount of time people spend on technology, what do you think it’s doing to our brains, what about children’s brains? Many people today, including children spend hours on their technology. Have you ever been looking at a screen for too long and your eyes start to hurt? This has many names, one is “Computer Eye Strain,” this can be caused by too bright of light and can cause a very sharp pain or strain in the eye. In some cases it can affect eye vision, so imagine what it can do to a brain, or even worse a developing brain, the brain of a child.
Children are getting too much screentime and it can damage their brains. An article stated, “In today's high tech and busy world, it's a challenge to limit children's total media time. There is constant exposure to TV, computers, and video games. It was a challenge to get my 7-year-old away from the screen without him beginning to hate me. I encouraged more interactive …show more content…

“The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that "kids under 2 years old not watch any TV, and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day of quality programming." Most programs should be informational, educational, and nonviolent, and the programs should be monitored.” (Arora,M.) Many people believe that screen time and technology is good, as long as it’s in moderation. Just some children and people in general should have less time and be monitored a bit more. Study shows that the AAP recommended keeping, “TV sets, VCRs, video games, and computers out of children's bedrooms.” This happens to be a very good idea, it will make a place in the child’s home be free of the technology and they won’t be tempted to stay up late on the technology or do anything they shouldn’t be doing on it. It also helps cut down on the time usage of the

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