Why Do Candy Eat Too Much Citric Acid

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Background Research My science fair project is, “what brand of candy contains the most acid?” I am going to use three different brands of sour candy, “War Heads”, “Jolly Rancher sour bites” and “Sour Patch”. I tried these candies and they are really sour. I want to conduct this experiment because I am trying to find out what candy is safest to eat. If you consume too much citric acid it can cause health problems, like vomiting and bleeding from the tongue and mouth. Citric acid is a sharp-tasting crystalline acid present in the juice of lemons and other sour fruits. It is made commercially by the fermentation of sugar and used as a flavoring agent!
My hypothesis is that “War heads” would contain the most acid because the candy has a coating of malic acid, a crystalline acid present in unripe apples and other fruits and can also be found in sour candies, the also acid takes a while to dissolve. The “Jolly rancher” does not have any glaze, it is just a hard candy with a sour flavor. The “Sour Patch” has a sugar and citric acid on the outside, so it is still going to be a little bit sweeter because of the sugar on the outside. “War …show more content…

I also researched want the three candies are made of and what they contain. I found some really interesting information on the websites. The website http://www.livestrong.com/article/77463-side-effects-much-citric-acid/ had a lot of information on what could happen if you eat too much of these candies, it said that these sour candies can cause vomiting, diarrhea and many more symptoms. This website also stated the uncommon cases of what could happen to you, such as unusual bleeding, tiredness or weight gain. Another website I researched on was, http://munchies.vice.com/articles/excessive-candy-consumption-is-giving-children-burns-and-seizures-2. This website said how a seven year old boy burned a hole in his tongue while eating, “War Heads Junior extreme

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