Why Clutters Shouldn T Work

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Clutter tends to take on a life of its own; whether in our kitchen, our closet, our home office, our garage or anywhere, our lives are unmanageable and uncontrolled. Physical, mental and emotional clutter will always keep you from living your best possible life. Think if you could stop the clutter in your home and in your head and begin again with solutions that are very simple and easy to maintain. Stop the chatter in your head that clutters your thinking and keeps you stuck. You are not alone. There are also some strategies to help break through the clutter. You can start to declutter life and get the peace of mind organization brings. To the extreme, clutter can be a symptom of an obsessive disorder. At the opposite end, there just isn't …show more content…

There may be low self-esteem involved. This may lead to the inability to make decisions. Some people have piles and piles of stuff. The panic overwhelms them at the thought of sorting through it all. While others just don't want to make the wrong decision. Many times, people have just plain old bad habits. Not having a place for everything. Not hanging a coat on a hook, for example. One organizational expert has clients put stuff they don't want to part with in a basket. After a week, they can keep whatever they remember is in the basket. To help with the guilt of throwing things away, you can give to charity. If they can't use it, they will throw it out for you - and you will never even know it! Regarding that box of clothes, one day I'll get a grip and let go of it. But I'll probably take a picture first. A picture takes up much less space and it's much, much smaller. If the job of organizing is overwhelming, then you need to break it down into smaller tasks. Just grouping like objects can give such a feeling of relief from the …show more content…

And make it easy. For example, instead of hanging your coat on a hanger, install hooks. You are much more likely to put a coat on a hook than a hanger. Make things as easy as possible for yourself. Following are the 3 questions you can ask your clutter, so that you can begin to move towards your own Clutter Breakthrough! 1. How are you serving me? This is the First question you can ask your clutter. Clutter can serve in various ways so ask your clutter why it is still there and how it is serving you. You may be surprised to find that it is a very nice excuse to keep people away; house is too messy to invite someone over, can't invite someone to dinner because you can't see the table. You may find that it keeps you from relaxing and enjoying a deep breath at the end of the day - who doesn't want to rest unless perhaps you think you don't deserve to. 2. Do I need you? Do you need me? This is the second question you can ask you clutter. Really, I mean really need you? When you ask this question there are a few things to consider. Remember that clutter holds energy, bad and good. If you are holding on to something and when you look at it or touch it you flash back to negative memories or pictures in your head - it's NOT serving you. It's keeping you tied to the

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