Why Children Should Be Discipline

897 Words2 Pages

Paige Burton
September 13, 2017
Comp. 4th hour
Exemplification Essay
Why Children Should Be Disciplined Childhood discipline is a very important task to do as a parent or parent figure. Childhood discipline needs to be done for these three reasons, to get your child to respect you and for you to respect your child, make your child understand what they did wrong, and make your child realize no matter how old they are you will still discipline them. Disciplining your child is fundamental to the parent-child dynamic. Discipline is about choices and consequences. When getting disciplined your children learn how to be honest, responsible, kind, and sharing people. While they follow the rules set in place by their parents, they have …show more content…

No I’m not saying you should spank them. I’m saying that there are many other ways that you can discipline your child. The most common way besides spanking is the method of grounding. Some say that the most important thing to remember about grounding your child is that you are also grounding yourself. When grounding you shouldn’t yell most people think that this means that when you yell about the issue you’ll be on the losing end. When talking to your child you should always be respectful. You can ground a child as long as you feel is necessary. Grounding is one of the best ways you can punish a kid if you aren’t going to spank them, or if they are too old to get spanked …show more content…

Accessed 7 Sept. 2017.
Lundberg, Gary and Joy. “Grounding your kids: You've been doing it wrong.” FamilyShare – Discover How to Improve Your Family Life and More, familyshare.com/20358/grounding-your-kids-youve-been-doing-it-wrong. Accessed 7 Sept. 2017.
Morin, LCSW Amy. “These are the Biggest Reasons Your Child Needs Discipline.” Verywell, www.verywell.com/why-it-is-important-to-discipline-your-child-1094790. Accessed 11 Sept. 2017.
“Spanking Can Be an Appropriate Form of Child Discipline.” Time, Time, time.com/3387226/spanking-can-be-an-appropriate-form-of-child-discipline/. Accessed 7 Sept.

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