Pros And Cons Of Spanking

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Why hurt a child when you don’t have to? The debate on whether to spank a child or a timeout is more sufficient is more prominent now than it was in earlier times. Today the question is raised whether spanking a child is not only an effective form of punishment or reprimand for a child but also the right and best way to train up a child. Discipline is based on when you discipline a child how you discipline a child and also the mental state of the child. As a child begins to develop and grow that must learn basic rules in their growth. One thing they must learn is right from wrong. How can a child who is new to the world and maybe even words right from wrong? Jean Piaget, a pioneer in the cognitive development, says that a child in the …show more content…

It isn’t necessary. A child at ages 7 to 10 can understand yes and no or bad and good. Yes, it may be effective a child will know if they do this mommy and daddy will hurt them, but that’s not teaching a child the proper way to act it is only putting fear into an innocent child. As a child, I was spanked with both belts and hands. I understood that if I did a certain thing I was going to get a spanking and it kept me from doing that certain thing. Long term it wasn’t effective because the thing I did before I do now because I know now I’m not forced to get spankings. It only worked for that time being and long term scarred me. Instead of physically harming a child sit and talk to them explain to them this particular thing wrong and why. That way they have a better understanding why not to do …show more content…

Children may not listen to what you’re saying. They may throw a fit, scream, or cry. Still spanking a child is not okay it will only make it worse. Before immediately turning to the physical way try figuring out what may really be wrong and why they might be acting out. A child may have a behavioral disorder. A lot of disorders in children aren’t undetectable and aren’t able to be pinpointed by blood work or machines. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), anxiety and depression are all physically undetectable disorders found in 13% of children ages 9 to teenage years, according to Dr. John Gerrich in Medscape Psychiatry. These are things that a parent must work for to find out. As a parent, it’s a duty to do what is best for a child in any way that’s possible. If talking doesn’t work I improving a child’s behavior then plan to see a child specialist who can help in diagnosing a child with a mental disorder or condition a child may

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