Who Pays On The First Date?

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The first date is where both parties make a first impression on one another and it sets the tone for what kind of relationship will continue in the future. This first social exchange often determines whether the two parties will even continue communicating from here on out, or if communication will be abolished all together. In this day and age men and women are closer to equality then they have ever been within society. This includes the dating scene. Because of this change in the social status of women, the questions continues to be raised, which sex is responsible for what roles? More specifically in the dating scene, who pays on the first date? Should man still be expected to pay, or does that undermine the equality of women? It is tradition for a man to pay on the first date, or the more masculine/dominant individual on the date. This show respect towards the women (or more feminine individual). Traditionally, men were raised to show women this gesture, and women were raised to accept kind men to offer this gesture.

Women are capable of doing everything men can; this includes taking care of themselves, and even paying for a bill. But, as women continue to gain these dominant roles in society, common courtesy is dwindling away. Boys used to be raised by their parents to treat women with respect. This included teaching boy’s manners and chivalry: open doors for women, pulling out chairs, and paying for a date. Men who did not perform such rituals were frowns upon and there was peer pressure to conform. Women can open doors for themselves and pull out their own chairs. It is not a big deal to pay for a date, but these things made women feel special. These chivalrous tasks made a woman feel like she was being taken care of and ...

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...ia, (music videos and movies), men are perceived to be more attractive or valuable as a mate based on their high status.

When a men pays for a date it shows that he is invested in the women that he is taking out on that date. He is investing not only his time, but also his money into this social exchange between the two. Money is very valuable in the United States culture, sometimes even more then time. A women is capable of paying for herself, and when she does it shows that she is also invested in the social exchange. Men today are able to appreciate a women paying now more than they have in the past. A women showing her more dominant/masculine side does not always make a man feel emasculated, and they enjoy the perks of being treated every once in a while. This is something that can be worked out once two individuals actually start the dating process though.

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