When the Wollaton Hall Was Built

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When the Wollaton Hall Was Built

Wollaton hall was and still is a well-known famous Nottingham

building. Wollaton hall was built during the period 1580 - 1588. A

designer, Robert Smythson, designed it on the commission of Sir

Francis Willoughby. Much of the original building still remains,

showing the style of architecture around the time of the Spanish

armada. The hall had cost a total of £8,000, which was a considerable

sum of money in Elizabethan times. Today the hall is a natural history

and industrial museum, open to the public throughout the year. The

grounds are particularly beautiful and they are also home to a herd of


The purpose of this assignment is to locate and investigate evidence,

which will help to prove both, why and when wollaton hall was first

constructed. Certain sources located will be backed up by evidence

gathered and researched in this subject. With knowledge about the

middle ages and the renaissance, it is possible to form accurate

conclusions about wollaton hall's owner; it's grounds and contents. As

a part of this assignment a helpful site visit to the hall was

undertaken. The purpose of the site visit was to collect and note much

needed primary evidence, which would help in certain aspects of this

assignment. From various sources, we know that wollaton hall was first

started in 1580 and completed in 1588. We know that Wollaton hall is a

typical Elizabethan house because the hall was constructed (1580 -

1588) in the renaissance period.

Source G replicates and translates the exact Latin words that are

located on the south frontage of the hall, on a stone plaque.

This inscription in Latin...

... middle of paper ...


Wollaton hall became cluttered with new details that are impressive

but 'uncomfortable' to view and appreciate at first sight.

Wollaton hall could be said to be an attractive structure, built

decoratively and attractively. The contrast between Wollaton hall and

Hardwick hall for example indicates how Willoughby's personality and

style differed. Wollaton hall and Hardwick hall both had the same

mason, similar features but an immense difference in appearance.

Hardwick hall's owner, Bess of Hardwick had a secure personality.

Hardwick hall wasn't over decorated. The over decorated Wollaton hall

however tells us the owner had an insecure personality. Ultimately

Wollaton hall was intended to reflect Sir Francis Willoughby's

personality and style, something that evidently doesn't impress the

majority of individuals.

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