When I Came To America

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Dating back to the colonial times, people around the world have traveled long distances and have made sacrifices to get to the Americas. Specifically, they traveled to a land that would later be known as the United States. What persuaded people to leave behind their country, journey to a foreign land, and leave behind everything they have known? The stories told about a new nation and its equal opportunity to be successful spread like wildfire around the globe. Many soon started calling it the “American Dream,” where nothing was impossible and the opportunity to succeed was open to anyone willing to try. However, once the immigrants arrived at the country of the free, they soon discovered the difference between equality and freedom. Centuries …show more content…

An Italian immigrant depicts a reality that most immigrant find shocking when arriving at the country of wealth. He describe his disappointment by saying “ Before I came to America, I thought the streets were paved in gold. When I came here I learned three things: The streets were not paved in gold, the streets weren’t paved, and that I was expected to pave them.” The reality that the immigrants had to work twice as hard to be able to succeed was a hard reality to process for this was the land of equal opportunity. The majority of immigrants work day and night, two to three jobs, and spend little time with their family hoping that one day they will achieve the American Dream. The Center of Immigration shows the average income of an immigrant is significantly less than a native. The many obstacles accompanying the search for a better lifestyle does not slow down the thirst for ambition but fuels it. The desire to be part of this great nation is powerful and provides motivation for many to keep trying to reach the so-called dream. To conclude, the perception that many had before coming to America was faulty and alluded many with promises of …show more content…

Over the eras the definition has meant many different things. The very first Americans were most likely searching for financial stability, religious freedom, and social mobility. Although that still could be the case for some people many arrive seeking an education, equality, and security. The country is open to a wide variety of people, who originate from all over the world. This diversity makes the definition of the American Dream very broad and extremely hard to pinpoint an exact meaning. Ultimately, the definition of the American Dream will have a different definition to many people as long as society continues to

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