Hiding From Reality Bob Herbert Analysis

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“Living the American Dream” If you look up the meaning of the American Dream, you will keep finding definitions similar to this one: “the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative.” The real meaning of the American Dream however, varies from whom you ask. Many people argue that the American Dream is alive and well, whereas others might argue that the dream is pretty much dead. If you ask me what I think, I personally believe that the American Dream was once a farfetched goal of the people of America, where people dreamed of going from rags to riches. Though the dream might still be alive, it is no longer what is use to be. I believe that the American Dream nowadays, is just a short redefined version of living a middle class lifestyle. But, for others the dream might simply mean to escape poverty and give their children a better life. The American Dream however, is in my opinion not only applicable for natural born citizens but to legal and illegal immigrants as well. I’m swayed to think this way because my In the article, “Hiding from Reality” by Bob Herbert, he expresses his opinions about how the economy is to blame for the dream spiraling downwards. Herbert expresses his discontent about how the government doesn’t focus on trying to fix things that really matter that will actually help improve the economy. His overall point was that our future generations will be the ones facing this money deficit and if the government doesn’t fix the problem, then future generations to come will find it even more difficult to be able to achieve this American

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