What Is The Proudest Moments In My Life

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Graduating in December 2015 with my bachelor’s degree in Instructional Technology-Administrative Communication was one of the proudest moments in my life. I felt very accomplished because I was the first person in my family to attend college and graduate with a degree. Obtaining my degree was very challenging for me. I was 17 years old when I left my grandparent’s home for the first time to attend Jackson State University. It was the first time that I had experienced life by myself. I did very well my first semester at Jackson State, but I was very homesick and wanted to come home. I transferred to The University of Southern Mississippi in Spring 2001. I was back home with my grandparents but the young college life seemed more interesting than going to class at that time. …show more content…

I am smart, intelligent, and responsible. The choices that I made as a young adult caused my GPA to suffer. Some semesters I put forth a little more effort and other semesters I didn’t. In Summer 2005, my family and I were hit with the news that my grandfather was diagnosed with Lung cancer. The one thing that I wanted in life was to make my grandparents proud of the person they had raised and for them to see me walk across the stage and graduate with my degree. The doctors gave him 6 months to live and I had 4 more classes to take to graduate with my degree in the Fall of 2005. Although I didn’t have all my classes completed, the University was gracious enough to let me participate in Fall commencement services and I could come back in the Spring to complete my courses and they would mail me my

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