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Challenges in physical education
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Hi, everyone and thank you for coming. Today I will be talking about why physical education is so important and why it should be required to graduate and why students should have to take be enrolled in physical education every year they are in school. In the last 30 years we have seen a really increase on published articles that examine the relationship between physical activity, physical fitness, and academic performance among children. The number is truly astounding there were over 120 articles published on this topic in 2010 alone. These studies have started to show us that physical activity can have both an immediate and long-term benefits on academic performance. The reason why I bring this up is because we are now in a culture and in …show more content…
It talked about classroom physical activity breaks. It revealed that teachers that are willing to integrate physical activity into grade level-specific lessons, in these physical active lessons the breaks recorded a 13 percent increase in the total amount of physical activity per week and a 20.5 percent reduction in time spent on non-academic tasks, such as helping student’s transitions to a new activity and class room management. That is just having students in the classroom taking breaks to have a physical activity; those activities could be yoga, a dance, or a game that the students came up with. Those same benefits can be achieved in a physical education setting. Imagine if you would increased the number of times a student came to class a week or having it required to take every year well you are in …show more content…
FITkids is a seventy minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per weekday for nine months. At the end of this study, the students who participated in FITkids decreased in percentage of body fat and increased working memory. This is exactly what we want in physical education a healthier student in all aspects of school. The image below shows the students before and after scans of this study. The scans on the left of the page were the waitlist students who did not partake in the FITkids. The images on the right are the students who participate in FITkids. You can see there is a significant difference in brain activity from pre and post scans. They are very similar in the post assessments but this change drastically when they are scanned again after the nine months. This is just another example of many of why physical education should have longer class periods and should be required to take every year until
The book begins by explaining how important exercise and being active is to our health and well-being. The author then transitions into a story about Naperville Central High School. This high school was in the forefront of a revolutionary new concept that involved vigorous exercise of its students instead of a traditional gym class. This new approach stimulated new research on the brain, and the effects of exercise on the well being of our body and minds. After the introduction of the new fitness programs, the school’s students showed drastic increases in standardized tests, and on normal tests as well.
other hand, obesity accounts for about 13 percent of children in the United States, which is why physical education programs should be one of the last things to go. They also help students release the stress they have built up through out the day and teach them the ...
Physical activity helps boost cognitive abilities in children. Recess generally involves a lot of running, playing, and games involving exercise. In fact, recent research has found a direct correlation between intelligence and physical fitness, especially in children under 16 years old and elderly persons (Pica 64). In a study conducted by F. L. Martens, academic scores, attitudes, and fitness were improved when a third of the school day was dedicated to recess. Another study study found that at least five hours of physical activity resulted in substantially higher academic achievement in the core subjects (Pica 63).
A recent study shows that on average boys do 29 minutes of physical activity a day; while girls only do 18 minutes of physical activity a day (Henshaw 2). This falls extremely short of the recommended 60 minutes by health officials. At the point when kids and youths take part in any event 60 minutes of physical action consistently, various wellbeing benefits occur (Henshaw 4). Some of these being that it enhances respect toward oneself, and diminishes stress and anxiety. Beyond these known wellbeing impacts, physical action additionally has beneficial influences on scholastic execution. “Among elementary school students, 40 minutes of daily exercise increased IQ by an av...
Adams, Jill U. "Physical Activity May Help Kids Do Better in School, Studies Say."Washington Post. The Washington Post, 21 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.
27th in mathematics, 17th in reading, 20th in science. I am of course referring to our United States of America, a country that prides itself on greatness and excellence, excellence in the purest sense of the word. 27th in mathematics, 17th in reading, 20th in science, and we act as if there is even a question as to where the budget should go in our educational system.
Physical activity enhances children’s quantitative development within middle childhood, supporting growth toward healthy strong people, physically and psychology. Middle childhood is documented as being between the ages of six to ten years old. A lack of physical activity affects children across all areas of development; it is not restricted within the domain of physical development. Discussed within are the expectations of motor development within middle childhood, the benefits of physical activity and the consequences of prolonged inactivity. Along with how a student’s physical development facilitates or restricts development in other areas and how the learning environment can accommodate and support the physical needs of students.
Over the past decades our culture has changes dramatically. To which our nation was once a physically active nation. Yet now it seems that society discourages physical activity. The human race has been dependent on automobiles, discouraging people to walk or bike, increasing the chance of a poor life-style. Yet there are many factors that affect the achievement and maintenance of a healthy life. Young people are growing into a diverse society, which is characterized by rapid change, inactive work and leisure practices that influence unhealthy behaviors. By incorporating physical activity into peoples daily routine will increase their chances of being healthier, reducing certain diseases and learning how to avoid injuries. Physical education helps students improve their knowledge about health issues and practices that will lead to a more enjoyable life. Students playing and working in a team together develop social skills, teamwork, achieving goals, and development of self-esteem. Overall physical education provides the potential for a better life style.
“Vigorous exercise affects the brain, learning process and student behavior; current school PE programs need re-examination” Sparking Life. Fusedog Media Group, 2014. Web. 27 April 2014
Chomitz, Slining, McGowan, Mitchell, Dawson, Hacker. (January 2009). Is There a Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement? Positive Results From Public School Children in the Northeastern United States. Journal of School Health, Vol. 79, Issue 1, 30-37.
Physical education must be mandatory for students all over the world. It provides many conveniences for children later in life. Sports in school encourage kids to play more outside of school and from there, their health increases. Unquestionably, physical education improves kids’
One out of every three children in America are considered obese or overweight (“Overweight”). America is at a point to where people want everything easy and fast. Last year, McDonald’s served 69 million customers a day (“Our Story”). These people are at home watching TV on their couches and eating this fast food. I think this is a huge factor to why obesity is at a high. The lack of exercise is a global pandemic. Only three out of ten Americans exercise regularly (“Information”). But for many students, the only exercise they may get is at school in a PE class. I feel like PE is a great class, but gets overlooked as a waste of time. The importance of teaching physical education is taken for granted. We can attain healthy habits, get exercise, and have fun while doing it. I believe physical education classes should be maintained and emphasized more than they are now. Most people view it as just an easy class but in reality, it could benefit our generation in the long run, and help make for a healthier future.
Physical education provides a variation of motor skills aimed to enhance the physical, mental, social and emotional development. The obesity statistics of 2009 quantified that childhood obesity rates have more than tripled since 1980 and in addition to concerns regarding chronic diseases, overweight and obesity incidences have even led to poorer levels of academic achievement (Taras & Potts-Datema, 2005). Additionally, in order to teach students the importance of preventing these ailments, those who oppose the amount of time in physical education or want to cut it out altogether should reconsider. Instead, time in physical education should be as equal as core subjects are seen. Physical education can help children in the classroom as well. The physical educator can incorporate math or science in to their lessons. If they are jump roping, they can skip count...
“Physical education plays a critical role in educating the whole student. Research supports the importance of movement in educating both mind and body. Physical education contributes directly to development of physical competence and fitness. It also helps students to make informed choices and understand the value of leading a physically active lifestyle. The benefits of physical education can affect both academic learning and physical activity patterns of students. The healthy, physically active student is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful. … Throughout the school years, quality physical education can promote social, cooperative and problem solving competencies. Quality physical education programs in our
“Children who exercise regularly have higher levels of self-esteem.” (Brown, W.J. & Brown P.R., 1996, p19). Teaching Physical Education can have immediate health benefits as it helps normalise body weight and body composition. Physical activity also promotes positive mental health. Both immediate outcomes may be useful in motivating physical activity practices so that they have long term benefits. One of the main benefits of physical activity is that “it keeps children involved and that it invariably makes you feel good.” (Brown, W.J. & Brown P.R., 1996, p19). Getting the correct amount of Physical activity in school hours will decrease the rates of obesity and will reduce the risk of diabetes, asthma, heart disease and other health related illness’. Regular exercise for children also helps their cardiovascular health and bone development. There is also evidence that Physical Activity has a positive effect on mental health in children, including reducing anxiety and depression and improving their mood. However, there is some evidence that for children who don’t enjoy Physical Education it can have a negative impact on their self-esteem and