What Is The Importance Of Lipids?

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Lipids are organic molecules consisting of hydrogen, oxygen, and many carbon atoms in variable chain and ring conformation but with far less oxygen proportion than carbohydrates. It serves as high energy storage molecules, structural components of cell and as bioactive compound in various physiological processes. Lipids are main components of foods as well provide essential lipid nutrients and are crucial in diet for several reasons. Fish have the unique ability of metabolizing lipids, thus can be present for long periods of time under conditions of food deficiency so that the lipid stored can burn for fuel to enable body processes to continue. The major source of bioactive lipids in fish is acquired through dietary consumption, …show more content…

Lipids are enormously diverse group of compounds consisting of fats, phospholipids, sphingomyelins, waxes, and sterols. Fats are the fatty acid esters of glycerol and they function mainly as energy storehouses of animals. Fats are used for long-term energy supplies during periods of extensive exercise or during periods of insufficient food and energy intake. Fish have the unique ability of metabolizing fat soluble compounds thus, can exist for long periods of time under conditions of food deficiency. An example is the many weeks of migration by salmon in their return upstream to spawn; stored lipid deposits are burned for fuel to enable body processes to continue during the vigorous journey. Sphingomyelins are present in brain and nerve tissue compounds. Fatty acids can exist either as straight chain or branch chain components. Many of the fish fats contain numerous unsaturated double bonds in the fatty acid structures. Lipid concentrations in different organs can contrast leading to differences in residue distribution such as in filet and liver (Caballero, 2005). For instance, Wu et al. (2001) reported that PCDD/Fs accumulate mainly in liver and that muscle concentrations correlate with liver concentrations. Differences in muscle lipid concentrations between fish species declined when concentrations were regulated to lipid content. Some studies describe the residue distribution …show more content…

Triacylglycerols act as storage lipid which made up of fatty acids and glycerol. Fatty acids are released from triacylglycerols during fasting to provide a source of energy and to form the structural components for cells (Mandal, 2012). The structure of the lipid plays an important role in the form of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential as constituents of the phospholipids, where they appear to confer several important properties to the membranes (Mandal, 2012). One of the most important properties are fluidity, flexibility of the membrane and being barrier in between two different medium. Lipid also involve in regulating the metabolic processes such as transmission of chemical message in biotic organisms, synthesis of prostaglandin, hormone, bile acid and so on (Gunstone,

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