Importance Of Essential Nutrients In The Body

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The discussion on the significance of essential nutrients in human body. “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise not too little not too much, we would have food the safest way of health” (Barasi.E.M, 2003). This essay is going to discuss on the important of six essential nutrients in human body. According to PosnerB.M (1998), he define essential nutrients as a nutrients that the body cannot synthesize on its own-or not to an adequate amount and must be provided by the died. Oxford dictionary (2009), also define essential nutrients as are those nutrients that are required by the body and cannot be synthesise in the adequate amount to meet requirement, so must be provided by the diet. Essential nutrients are those found to be essential to human life and optimal function, Williams.M. H (2006).There are six main type of nutrients used to maintain body health. They are carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water. They must be in balance for the body to function properly. The first essential nutrients are carbohydrate. Garrow, (1998) define …show more content…

Williams (2006) define water as a clear, tasteless, odourless fluid. Water is a vital nutrient for good health posner (1998). Most of our body weight (60-70%) is made up of water. Wretlid (1999) explain that water is important in human body because, it help to control our body temperature, carries nutrients and water product from our cell, and it needed for our cells to function help us to lose weight, for the heath skin, fight infections, get rid of toxins, health heart, prevent join pains and arthritis, boost energy, prevent constipation and reduce chances of cancer. World Health Organisation recommended that, adults drink 8 glasses of fluid daily or more in hot weather or during physical activity. This fluid doesn’t have to be water can also obtain from juice, milk, soap as fruit and vegetables Garrow

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