What Is Language-Based Approach

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bilabial- A bilabial is a consonant in which the manner in which air has been confined by our lips. Bilabials can be seen in two different ways on having the vocal cords vibrating through articulation of a consonant. The second process is having the no vibration throughout the articulation of a consonant. labiodental- Is the process where the lower lip touches the top front part of the mouth or teeth in order to produce a sound such as the letter f and v. interdental- means in the middle of the teeth. alveolar- refers to the connection to the jawbone that is under the gums.This process touches the upper part of the gum to produce sound. palatal- is the process where an utterance is being made by setting the tongue neat the top and or touching …show more content…

Define the following Approaches:
Bottom-Up drill approach- is an approach that goes from effortless to a more difficult goal. which targets one sound one step at a time.
Language-based approach- is the study of language which will help to combine both language and literature together in a more closely manner. The main goal with language based approach is to supply the child with the essentials to help them understand and make good judgment decisions.
Phonological-based approaches- is a method that children use to simplify speech. example the word frog children might say the word fog or foggy. As the child develops so will their speech and these speech patterns will change within time. Complexity approach- is an approach that teaches the absent of sounds and the main aim in this approach is to get at least 1 to 2 sounds. complexity approach has several intentions such as helping with linguistic structures, psycholinguistic structures, articulatory phonetic factors, and targets words that are regularly wrong.

4. Define the following techniques:
Dynamic temporal and tactile cueing- visual cues- is a cue or a process that informs a person on what the next step is. An example is brushing your teeth by following a photo chart showing all the

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