One room full of strangers. “What do I even have in common with these people?”. One of the things you probably have in common is that in some point in your lives you have gone to school. Whether you only finished high school, moved on to college, or even grad school. We have all been there in some point in our lives and have some what of an education. School is challenging and is always different for everyone and not two people learn the same way.
There are two different types of mindsets: fixed and growth. A fixed mindset can be described as someone believing that they are born with a selective amount of knowledge and it cannot increase any further. A growth mindset on the other hand believes that the amount of effort and time you put into
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It was our senior project and was mandatory for graduation. It was my first time having to do a paper that lengthy and I was overwhelmed and frightened. When I turned in my paper I felt a sense of relief knowing that I am in fact capable and it gave me confidence. Now I can say that I have grown to have a growth mindset. I think you definitely need a growth mindset to achieve academically. In college you get homework, projects, and papers assigned and no one is going to hold your hand and force you to complete them. There are also long lectures, boring professors, and stressful topics and having a growth mindset will help you remember to stick through it and don’t give up.
“One of the dictionary definitions of the verb “to claim”: is to take as the rightful owner; to assert in the face of contradiction. “To receive” is to come into possession of: to act as receptacle or container for; to accept as authoritative or true.” (Rich 1) Receiving an education is to take in everything professors tell us is true and believing it. Not questioning anything that is given. Not confronting what we know is wrong because the professor tells us it is right.
It was not until I read Carol S. Dweck’s “Brainology” that I realized I had a fixed mindset. I care more about getting a 4.0 than actually understanding what I am being taught and I also hate struggling. These habits are part of having a fixed mindset. It was after reading this article that I discovered I could change my mindset and be successful. Having a fixed mindset means that you believe that you and others only have a certain amount of intelligence. A growth mindset on the other hand, is believing that everyone has the ability to reach a higher level of intelligence through effort and hardwork.
In The article “Brainology” “Carol S Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, differentiates between having a fixed and growth mindset in addition how these mindsets have a deep effect on a student’s desire to learn. Individuals who have a fixed mindset believe they are smart without putting in effort and are afraid of obstacles, lack motivation, and their focus is to appear smart.. In contrast, students with a growth mindset learn by facing obstacles and are motivated to learn. Dwecks argues that students should develop a growth mindset.
In Carol Dweck’s “Brainology” the article explains how our brain is always being altered by our experiences and knowledge during our lifespan. For this Dweck conducted a research in what students believe about their own brain and their thoughts in their intelligence. They were questioned, if intelligence was something fixed or if it could grow and change; and how this affected their motivation, learning, and academic achievements. The response to it came with different points of views, beliefs, or mindset in which created different behavior and learning tendencies. These two mindsets are call fixed and growth mindsets. In a fixed mindset, the individual believes that intelligence is something already obtain and that is it. They worry if they
What does it mean to be a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset? In the book Mindset – The New Psychology of Success author Carol Dweck breaks down the meanings of a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is when a person sees their failures as being an unsuccessful person. These fixed mindsets do not aim to challenge themselves due to the possibility of not succeeding or being seen dumb. They are discouraged by failing and hold back in life. Carol Dweck describes this has unhappiness. A growth mindset is a person who welcomes failures and takes these failures as a challenge to grow from their mistakes. They have the drive to push through the impossible, since to them there is no impossible. A Clear representation of growth
3.Explain how you developed your mindset and whether you have a fixed or growth mindset. What messages did you receive in your family about success and failure that may have contributed to your way of thinking? Did other individuals play a role in shaping your mindset? If so,
In Carol Dweck’s,”Carol Dweck Revisits the ‘Growth Mindset’,” she reviews her idea of how changing students mindsets and effort allows them to become better strategists and to also take new approaches in advancing their learning abilities. By understanding fixed mindsets, success based on your own abilities, and a growth Mindset, success based on learning through failure, teachers can better accommodate students’ learning abilities and allow them to all learn through a growth mindset.
Have you ever thought about yourself if you are in the fixed or a growth mindset? A fixed mindset person is someone who overcomes obstacles, works hard, and failure does not stop them. On the other hand a person who is in the fixed mindset is someone who is non challenge, gives up, or thinks that success is abuse. In a book called “Mindset The New Psychology of Success” the author Carol S. Dweck talks about different ways we can convert ourselves from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset and the author also talks about the qualities of the growth and fixed mindsets. In a movie“Freedom Writers” the author Erin Gruwell shows us how she was a growth minded teacher but her students were in the fixed minded group. Throughout the school year the students had a fixed mindset but as time went by the students somehow their mindsets into the growth mindset. Freedom writers illustrates the fixed mindsets of the teacher and students and a growth minded teacher who changed everything.
accepted as true by the public or by experts in a field. This term comes from the
A growth mindset will create in you a love for learning and perseverance through. You will believe that these are the requirement to achieve great things in life. Someone with a growth mindset will see that those who attain greatness in this life aren’t the naturally intelligent and they’re not the most brilliant people, but they’re people who love learning and who are resilient. You’ll be happy if you’re talented, but you won’t give up if you’re not because you have the belief that you can cultivate it.
There are many roads to be successful in learning, but they all involve developing mindset. Developing the right mindset is a key success for most learning. Carol S.Dweck, the author of " brainology", indentified two diffent mindsets : fixed mindsets and grow mindsets. These impact student 's learning differently. From my point of view, having a growth mindset is the best for success since this belief assists students learn and develop a good self-motivation in goals, efforts, and setbacks.
Individuals with a growth mindset welcome challenge and embrace obstacles. They do not require adoration or acclaim for the their trials. A growth mindset offers the idea that a person possess an unknown amount of potential and future possibilities are vast. An individual with a growth mindset does not see an obstacle as a trap or even a difficulty. An obstacle is seen as a learning experience, a possibility to get better at something, a chance to grow. Failure is not even an option for those with a growth mindset, it is merely another stepping stone. The effort, the drive, the challenge is what keeps a growth mindset
Going to school everyday, gathering facts on the internet, sitting in a classroom listening; these are all things that we call learning. But what is learning? Is learning the memorization of facts? Is it listening to a teacher lecture for an hour during class? Or is a process of digging through the facts and finding the information a person is seeking or the underlying truth? Many elementary school and high school students would argue that the first two examples of learning is all a person needs in life but as they grow and further their education they discover differently. When a person attends college the faculty expects you to be able to think critically and come to your own opinion about things. College professors desire you to question and to find the answers for yourself, bringing new life to a conversation that they have had again and again. Learning to them requires you to dig deep and find the deeper learning. But learning at its deepest is not as simple as it sounds. As McCullough (2008, p. 2) quoted Abigail Adams; “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought with ardor and attended with diligence.” Learning is the same as two hundred years ago with Abigail Adams, a person still must dig for facts and question the answers you are given; as Will Durant was quoted by Harold J. Morowitz (2009, p. 3) in his article Drinking Hemlock and Other Nutritional Matters about the Socratic method “prying into the human soul, uncovering assumptions and questioning certainties… ” is how a person can truly learn deeply. Some may ask how one might accomplish a feat such as this? Learning at its deepest level may be achieved by pursuing higher education, using new technology effectively, and truly reading great books.
A growth mindset helps in the learning of new subjects and skills, leading to overall success. In one of Carol Dweck's
Since the summer of my senior year in high school, I was confused about the meaning of learning. What do I want to learn, and what could I do with my bachelor degree? So far, it has been two years. I still could not tell the answer to the first question, but, progressively, I know that I could do nothing with my bachelor degree and even with the higher degrees. On the other hand, the knowledge I learned so far is the thing I could rely. However, in some people’s points of view, this is unpractical. For such a long time, I have found few individuals sharing the similar ideas with me. Once, I saw a celebrity, who graduated from Tsinghua University, having a show online. He said that he was extremely disappointed when a college student, who also studies at Tsinghua University, ask him about whether he should take the examination of the public servant or not. From his point of view, as a part of Tsinghua University, one of the best universities in China, how could such a smart student is satisfied with basic needs, rather than cultivating himself. According to my experience, there are lots of people around me are pursuing material benefits. Self-cultivation, thus, is less important.
These mindsets have a large impact in our lives including my own! Even though a growth mindset is the ideal mindset, I consider myself to have more of a fixed mindset than a growth mindset.