What Is Growth Mindset Essay

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One room full of strangers. “What do I even have in common with these people?”. One of the things you probably have in common is that in some point in your lives you have gone to school. Whether you only finished high school, moved on to college, or even grad school. We have all been there in some point in our lives and have some what of an education. School is challenging and is always different for everyone and not two people learn the same way.
There are two different types of mindsets: fixed and growth. A fixed mindset can be described as someone believing that they are born with a selective amount of knowledge and it cannot increase any further. A growth mindset on the other hand believes that the amount of effort and time you put into …show more content…

It was our senior project and was mandatory for graduation. It was my first time having to do a paper that lengthy and I was overwhelmed and frightened. When I turned in my paper I felt a sense of relief knowing that I am in fact capable and it gave me confidence. Now I can say that I have grown to have a growth mindset. I think you definitely need a growth mindset to achieve academically. In college you get homework, projects, and papers assigned and no one is going to hold your hand and force you to complete them. There are also long lectures, boring professors, and stressful topics and having a growth mindset will help you remember to stick through it and don’t give up.
“One of the dictionary definitions of the verb “to claim”: is to take as the rightful owner; to assert in the face of contradiction. “To receive” is to come into possession of: to act as receptacle or container for; to accept as authoritative or true.” (Rich 1) Receiving an education is to take in everything professors tell us is true and believing it. Not questioning anything that is given. Not confronting what we know is wrong because the professor tells us it is right.

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