What Is Emotional Intelligence Essay

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Numerous types of intelligence in the human strength varies from one person to another and remains that the emotional intelligence Is the most important because it knows how to deal with human rights and adaptation of the entire life of its beauty and ugliness with its advantages and problems. We can define it as the ability to self-understanding and understanding of others in the community, and the ability to self-management and management of relations with others in the community. Emotional Intelligence is one of the things that you have to take care of its development since childhood, it will make him-her better person and will be able to control his-her anger.

The emotional intelligence is one of the modern terminology. It defined …show more content…

It also helps us understand how other people feel. But some people might go through the entire day without really noticing their emotions. Practice recognizing emotions as you feel them. Label them in your mind (for example, by saying to yourself "I feel grateful," "I feel frustrated," etc.). Make it a daily habit to be aware of your emotions. Specialists point out the importance of emotional intelligence, which is relatively one of the modern concepts, it is very expensive at the level of societal understanding and aid and its application directly in our daily lives. It is through it that the level of thinking becomes more disciplined and can be acquired and practiced. Some ways to develop your emotional intelligence. Here we have the 5 pillars to develop the emotional intelligence, the most important of which are the management of emotions such as anxiety, tendency to depression and coping with traumatic situations, as well as to identify the emotions of others, so-called emotional intelligence, knowing what others feel about themselves or towards them. The third pillar is the self-awareness of analysing the situation and setting controls to manage emotion and reactions to the situation, followed by motivating the self to reach the goal without being affected by the negative reality surrounding it. Finally, the fifth pillar is to direct and manage human relationships in the best way; Emotional intelligence skills can be developed by following some simple

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