How Emotional Intelligence Affects Personal Performance

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Emotional Intelligence Final Paper Emotional Intelligence allows one to use their intelligence, empathy, and emotions to improve and heighten your gifts. Emotional Intelligence affects our personal performance in many ways. While it is true that we must have intelligence to get the job, we must be able to perceive, use, understand, and manage our emotions in order to perform to the best of our abilities. In addition, to controlling and using our emotions, we must also be able to understand and influence the emotions of others around us. As the information presented in this class has shown us our emotions including our moods play a vital role in the amount of effort we give and the work we do. I can attest to this myself, just this week; …show more content…

I put the assignment off until Thursday morning because I felt so bad and couldn’t concentrate. On Thursday morning, I was working the problems and I was having a terrible time getting the problem to come out right. I was getting frustrated and letting my emotions get the better of me. I stop and went back over my work and I realized I had written the numbers down incorrectly. I had let my emotions and mood affect my work. Once I recognized the problem, I slowed down and rechecked each problem as I went. Though we can’t always control the situation like in the case with the stomach flu we can control on emotions and responses. Yes, Emotional Intelligence effects organization engagement in many ways. Our ability to use and control of emotions affects how we interact with others in our organization. In order for our organization engagements to be productive we must use our emotional intelligence to find ways to embrace difference and look for common ground. As stated in the book, Primal Leadership, in order to achieve emotional stability we need connections with people. The effect emotional …show more content…

Emotional Intelligence plays a huge role in individual and an organization’s performance. In order to perform at our best we must not only recognize, understand, and keep our emotions in check but also help others to control and keep their emotions in check. This is apparent in the way emotional intelligence allows individuals and organizations to use their intelligence, empathy, and emotions to improve and heighten your gifts. Furthermore, emotional intelligence is a skill that can be learned and when repeated often can become a habit that can last for many

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