What Is Dynamic Viscosity?

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Chapter Two
2.1 Viscosity
Viscosity is the tendency of a fluid to resist flow and can be thought of as the internal friction of a fluid. Microscopically, viscosity is related to molecular diffusion and depends on the interactions between molecules or, in complex fluids, larger-scale flow units. The opposite of the viscosity is the fluidity which measures the mobility for fluid layers (Secco et al, 2013). Viscosity is affected by the temperature and composition of the fluid and, for compressible fluid, also by pressure (Serway et al, 2012).
The shear viscosity of a fluid can be expressed in two distinct forms: The dynamic viscosity
The dynamic viscosity is defined as the ratio of shear stress (force over cross section area) to the rate …show more content…

Kinematic viscosity
The kinematic viscosity is the ratio of viscosity ƞ to density ρ (taken at the same temperature and pressure). μ=ƞ/ρ (2.1.2) kinematic viscosity is normally expressed in terms of centistokes, ρ is mass density in gm/〖cm〗^3 (Druk et al, …show more content…

Can be calculated dynamic viscosity ƞ from the kinematic viscosity μ and the density ρ according to equation (2.1.2).
The viscosity of pure liquids affects on temperature, pressure, density, and surface tension (Dutt et al, 2007). When the temperature drops the particles slow down and come closer together, the forces of attraction between them will increase and so make it harder for them to flow past each other. Thus, Dynamic viscosity of liquids increases with decreasing temperature (Binder et al, 2007). Dynamic Viscosity of Mixtures
The behavior of the viscosity is like pure liquids far from the critical point of a binary liquid mixture, Around the critical point the situation becomes more complicated (Yusur Kittany, 2014). The mode coupling theory is used to study the critical anomaly of the shear viscosity and the coefficients.

Shear Viscosity Near the Critical

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