What Is Cupping Essay

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Cupping therapy is the old natural healing therapies in the world, and was a very popular therapy for more than 2550 years. Cupping therapy was used by all civilizations around the world, including the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese. The Arabic name for Cupping Therapy is Al-Hijama which means to decrease in size i.e. to return the body back to its natural state.
Cupping is an old fashion treatment in which evacuated cups are applied to the intact skin in order to move blood toward or through the skin surface.
History of cupping
Cupping has been used for thousands of years in China and around the world. Pharos (1555 BC) and ancient Greeks (415 BC) used cupping to eliminate foreign matter from the body, reduce pain, improve inflammation and regain appetite. Its early uses were primarily to discharge pus and blood in the treatment of furuncles and carbuncles. Then it was found to be effective in treating other diseases. (29)
From the Egyptians this ancient art was transferred to the Greeks by Cecrops, who emigrated with his companions from …show more content…

The herbs and bamboo cups are put into a deep pan and covered with water (glass cups become too hot and are therefore not suitable for this method). The water is brought to boil for 30 minutes. The patient is prepared and the part to be cupped is exposed. When the practitioner and the patient are both ready, one cup is lifted at a time out of the pan with a metal clamp. The practitioner should wait briefly to ensure that the cup is not too hot and then apply the cup. The herbs are absorbed by the bamboo cups, which in turn transfer their analgesic properties to the patient. This method is usually employed when cold, damp and wind attack the body causing stiffness and aching, particularly in the neck and the shoulders. Cups can be left on for 11 and 20 minutes.

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