Massage Therapy
The practice of massage therapy is
rapidly growing in the United States. It has numerous
benefits to offer and is becoming more widely accepted as
a medical practice by doctors and the general public.
Massage is defined as: …the systematic manual or
mechanical manipulations of the soft tissues of the body by
such movements as rubbing, kneading, pressing, rolling,
slapping, and tapping, for therapeutic purposes such as
promoting circulation of the blood and lymph, relaxation of
muscles, relief from pain, restoration of metabolic balance,
and other benefits both physical and mental (Beck 3).
There is much historical evidence to indicate that massage
is one of the earliest remedies for pain relief and for the
restoration of a healthy body. It is said to be the most
natural and instinctive means of relieving pain and
discomfort. The roots of massage can be traced back to
ancient civilizations. Many artifacts have been found to
support the belief that prehistoric people massaged their
muscles and even used some form of rubbing oils on their
bodies. According to research, some form of massage was
practiced in almost all early civilizations. Ancient Chinese,
Japanese, India, Hindu, Greek, and Roman civilizations
used some form of massage as a medical treatment. In
many of these civilizations a special person, such as a
healer, doctor, or spiritual leader, was selected to
administer massage treatments. With the decline of the
Roman Empire in 180 A.D. came a decline in the
popularity of massage and health care in general. There
was little history of health practices recorded during the
Middle Ages (476-1450). The Renaissance period
(1450-1600) revived an interest in health and science.
Once again, people became interested in the improvement
of physical health and by the second half of the fifth
century, massage was a common practice. By the sixteenth
century, medical practitioners began to incorporate
massage into their healing treatments. Massage has been a
major part of medicine for at least five thousand years and
important in Western medical traditions for at least three
thousands years. In the early part of the nineteenth century,
Per Henrik Ling, a physiologist and fencing master, from
Smaaland, Sweden, developed and systemized movements
that he found to be beneficial in improving physical
conditions. His system of movements, based on the science
of physiology, became known as Medical Gymnastics. In
1813, Ling established the Royal Swedish Central Institute
of Gymnastics, which was financed by the Swedish
government. From this institute Ling and his students were
able to educate people about his Medical Gymnastics
movements, which became known as the Swedish
Movements. By 1851, there were thirty-eight institutions
for Swedish Movement in Europe. Today, Per Henrik Ling
is known as the father of physical therapy.
Without your community there would be no diversity, no one would know deep down who your are. We would put up a facade because we would be scared of being made fun of. We would be scared to show who we really are because we wouldn’t know who also has the same common interests as someone living close by us.Without our community we would be all alone in this complicated world depending on only our selves. In the popular song Lean On Me by the Glee cast the message is to Finn and Quinn. They are letting them know that they'll never be alone and they can always lean on them for help, advice, and if they need anything at all they will be there for them. The glee club is like what our community should be like. We should be there for eachother. In the novel Seedfolks they all need someone to lean on and be a positive influence on. Sam was an amazing example of how we need everyone in our community even though we don't realize it. If we didn't have any african americans or hispanics then our community population would be very far down and we wouldn't be the same without them. Nora, Sae Young’s Neighbor, and Ana all wanted to help out people in their community even if they didn't know
Developmental psychology is what his renown is based upon, yet Piaget's interests were much more widespread. He is characterized as a "zoologist by training, an epistemologist by vocation, and a logician by method." (Munari, 311) This is in part due to the fact that before achieving prominence in the field of child psychology, Piaget immersed himself in various other fields, such as philosophy, logic, politics, and the sciences. He was very much an interdisciplinary thinker, utilizing what he learned in one arena, in the others. Unlike many of the other prototypes of Howard Gardener's (1993) model, Piaget was able to achieve a respectable level of success in these endeavors, publishing various novels and research papers. Although it is uncertain whether he would have been able to achieve "genius" level in any of these undertakings, it seems to demonstrate his multi-talented personality...
On the other hand, he never takes a gander at the general appearance of his creation until the creature is enlivened. At the present time he sees the repulsive creature he has made, Victor is dismayed. Victor 's response is finished when he doesn 't assume liability for the creature that he has made. He values physical appearance more than inside excellence, so he tries to disregard the creature and proceed onward with his life. Shelley, nonetheless, needs to create an impression about society when all is said in done, so she lets the reader get inside the beast’s head in a section. In this section the reader sees the beast battle to discover who he is, in this way creating sensitivity for him. The reader can now look inside appearance and see the error that Victor is making. The main path for Shelley to finish this articulation about society is for the beast to be dismisses by the family he tries to get to know. The friendship the beast needs, he is denied, and left to escape for the mountains. Shelley 's capacity to put the reader into the beast 's head and her depiction of Victor 's conclusion of "excellence", put forth her expression on society become animated. Never judge a man, and so on by its outside appearance, it is just within that
If a patient came in to a doctor complaining of pain the doctor would have no idea what that meant or why it was painful. You must remember in the Renaissance, the church ruled everything. The church thought that if someone was ailing it was because of a demon in them or God punishing them. The people of the Renaissance were also very superstitious. They believed in magic and thought that some of the herbs used in medicine had magical healing powers.
During the nineteenth century a variety of alternative medical traditions became popular in the United States. There was a shift in how people began to view their physical, mental, and emotional health. A type of alternative medicine that quickly became popular in the United States and Europe was the tradition of hygeiotherapy. This form of treatment included hydropathy a type of water-cure treatment and combined that with exercise, dietary reform, sexual restraint, and any behaviors that were viewed as unhealthy.
Piaget is most commonly recognised for his work in forming a theory explaining how children’s thinking evolves to become more complex with age (Passer & Smith, 2012). For more than fifty years, Piaget researched the area of child thought processes, proposing a step-wise sequence of child mental development involving four distinct stages (Passer & Smith, 2012, p. 422). According to Passer and Smith (2012), a core belief of Piaget’s was that “cognitive development results from an interaction of the brain’s biological maturation and personal experiences” (p. 422). Piaget’s research has since received considerable attention and debate as to its validity. Many assessments of his work detail a greater level of criticism than praise; this criticism presumably being in place to support recent scientific discoveries and assist in the evolution of particular elements of his theories to what is regarded as relevant today (Flavell, 1996). Despite those who doubt his work, many sympathetic theorists (labelled neo-Piagetians) have opted to adopt and
The Chinese healing art of acupuncture is one that can be dated back at least two thousand years. Some authorities maintain that acupuncture has been practiced in China for even four thousand years. Though its exact age is vague, what is certain is that up until the recent twentieth century, much of the population of the world was uninformed about acupuncture, its origins, and its capacity to promote and maintain good health. Even today in relatively "advanced" nations such as the United States there are many who hold acupuncture under the stereotype of a new or radical medicine, one which would almost always be a second choice after more familiar Western approaches to handling illness.
Holistic Medicine, commonly referred to as “Alternative Medicine”, is a vast and rapidly growing new scientific field. It is derived mainly from ancient, traditional methods of healing that have often been practiced in the East for centuries. These include a variety of techniques from herbal healing to acupuncture to homeopathy to energy channeling. Due to the large number of methods that are covered by the term, there are various definitions of Holistic Medicine. However, all literature seems to agree that Alternative Medicine, is exactly what the name suggests: an ‘alternative’ approach to healing and medicine. It is a more personal move toward health care, which attempts to connect the mind, body and spirit.
It is suggested that reflexology evolved from acupuncture and acupressure. Reflexology flourished in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century, but did not appear in the United States until the early 1900's ( Zone Theory Behind Reflexology According to reflexologists, stress, fatigue, illness, toxins, and inactivity are harmful influences on the body that can be healed through reflexology treatment. Reflexologists believe that the body can be divided into ten zones, five on each half of the body.
First, a physical therapist is a professional who give support to patient who suffer from physical problem either internal or external. Physical Therapy has a lot of benefits for those who are in the process of recovery from injure or disease. This helps when people are recovering from injure, whether muscular or athletic stress. Students who work in this profession, help patients to restore from injure accidents; help them to move and relief their pain. Moreover, they help disables individual who suffer from immobility either permanent or momentary. Also, an individual who have an accident and gets a fracture in the neck, back, hand, foot, or suffer from arthritis have to see the physical therapist in order to get a professional therapy with include some important equipment and are very similar that the one in fitness center. This program require student to finish the AA (Associates in Arts) program in order to continue with the education. Also, student can complete a curriculum of a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a Master of Physical Therapy, or a Degree Master of Science in Physical Therapy.
Physical therapy is a career that will always be needed throughout society; it helps the human body rebuild physical function in people that have been injured, have birth defects, or any other reasons. Physical therapy is one the medical specialties doctors reply on. There are certain education requirements to become one, just like many other careers. It is a career that an individual who enjoys helping people and working in the medical field would be perfect for. The job of physical therapy and physical therapy assistants is an important factor to a lot of people. It is a job that will always be needed; there will always be people that need help regaining their physical health to be able to walk again or maybe just be able to move their thumb
“Art therapy is a form of therapy in making of visual images (paintings, drawings, models etc.) in the presences of a qualified art therapist contributes towards externalization of thoughts and feelings which may otherwise remain unexpressed”(Walter & Gilory, 1992).
What’s the easiest and quickest way to take a mini-vacation, and feel totally rejuvenated, renewed and rewarded? Do you want a well paying job that can give this feeling to you and your clients? If so I have the perfect job for you. But before I start to tell you about it you have to have an open mind and realize this job does take some work. I’m going to tell you some of the things you might have to do, the reasons its a growing industry, places you can get this job, the wages, the amount of education you need and where to get it, the curriculum of the schools, some of the skills you need, and how to start preparing for this job now. Of course, you want to know the career I’m talking about! It’s massage therapy! I know, I know, your probably thinking so I rub someone’s back big whoop! But there’s more to massage therapy than that.
Jean Piaget is best known for his cognitive development. Piaget had three children of his own, and through them he started making observations on his own children which eventually became the basis of his many future theories. In the 1920’s, he began to observe every day actions of infants and children to draw inferences about the thinking children do and underline their behaviors and why they act the way they do. Piagets’ theory went deeper than any psychologists or philosophers before him, and his theory is what shaped how we look and see children still in today’s time. Piaget discovered the fact that children have trouble learning new concepts when just being told or instructed, but do better
On August 9, 1896, Jean Piaget was born into this world not knowing he was going to be such an influence on the educational world today. “It is possible to give a rough definition of Piaget’s principal scientific concerns in a single sentence: he is primarily interested in the theoretical and experimental investigation of the qualitative development of intellectual structures” (Flavell, 1963, p. 15). Piaget was a theorist who placed an emphasis on the development of social behavior and nature as they contributed to cognitive development. When looking at cognitive development, you are focusing on problem-solving and how it develops throughout childhood.